Bells Of Hollowness Poem by Felix Bongjoh

Felix Bongjoh

Felix Bongjoh

Shisong-Bui, Cameroon
follow poet
Felix Bongjoh
Shisong-Bui, Cameroon
follow poet

Bells Of Hollowness

(for dying Ambazonian mothers and children)


How the bells of hollowness
flip me up a mountain ridge.
How the gongs of a blown-out
breathless rock push me

to a crater's floor, faulted walls
of my living room, posters
ripping space into ribs weaving
a basket to hold petals
flown by a storm in a night only

darkening beyond the soot
of burnt roofs in a bubbling lake
flushing out fumes and threads
of smoke to glue unstitchable ends?


How France plucks rust-coated
strings of a guitar held out to it
by Cameroun, when winds
from flames and a deluge of blood
are not strong enough

for a tambourine losing its voice
to muzzle and flying balls,
and the unwinged bird

screaming with the borderless
whisper of a sigh.
As the moon bleeds into a bleached
morning, a blinding daylight

burning out twinkles of stars
growing too soon to shoot out
light to a road man should follow
in this world - O man
without an inner bowl, as a dead lad

is dragged out of a ditch
and shot for a second death,
an eclipse man watches and still waves
only light feathers with no calamus.


The river flows, the river flows.
And man watches a sea bloat
to fill his inner bowl redder than

an erupting volcano flowing
into the street, every foot a glazed boot
from the marsh and bog of death.

How the inner bowl grows
a tree soaring high into a sky's tail
of clouds flipping out

red rain from the ambling elephant
of a cloud of night, this curtain
shading a silver sun bleeding with blood.

Rajnish Manga 30 August 2020

The horrors of war are like, heavy earthquake or the lava coming out of an active volcano which can cause immeasurable loss to life and property and change the entire topography in its wake.

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Felix Bongjoh

Felix Bongjoh

Shisong-Bui, Cameroon
follow poet
Felix Bongjoh
Shisong-Bui, Cameroon
follow poet
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