Believer's Prayer Poem by Frank Adie

Frank Adie

Frank Adie

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Frank Adie
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Believer's Prayer

Rating: 5.0

Lord Jesus:

Teach me to know how to crave,
And to crave for only things that are profitable.

Give me wisdom to discern and abhor what is wrong,
That good may flourish in my life.

Teach me to know how to pray,
In fervency and truth.

Remove me from the pit of enviousness,
And let none of my achievement stoke the fire of envy.

Furnish me with a spiritual eye,
That I may discern the truth in your word.

Make me not a victim of carnal desire,
That I may not desecrate your temple.

Let none of my deeds or utterances earn me an enemy;
And make me not a victim of 'causeless' hatred.

Cultivate in me the spirit of contentment,
And uproot the seed of avarice from me.

Blind me perpetually from sight that may lead me to sin,
And make me not a sight that may lead others as well.

Grant me courage to remain steadfast in the days of adversity,
That I may reject the devils alternative.

Show me how to give glory unto you,
No matter what circumstance I find myself.

Make me a very complex tool,
That the devil may not know how to use me.

Let me live a rather short and holy life,
Than so many years without CHRIST.

Let me not trust in my own understanding,
And undermine the supremacy of divine wisdom.

Teach me how to set goals,
But only goals that are attainable.

Grant me the grace to hate reluctance to prayer,
And love reluctance to sin.

Stoke within me the fire of industry;
That I may labour for my livelihood.

Extinguish in me the fire of pretence,
For hypocrisy is not a virtue.

Give me privileges that are convenient for me;
Lest I abuse them when they become too many.

And above all, grant me the grace to practice the Christianity that will point the way;
for others to walk unto righteousness.


Monday, October 22, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: prayer
Dedicated to the birth of my beloved son: Abibi Adie.
Chinedu Dike 05 January 2018

Beautiful rendition of words to utmost justice. Lovely devotional prayer nicely penned from inner recesses of the heart. Thanks for sharing Frank.

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Frank Adie

Frank Adie

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Frank Adie
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