One time I said it was you I loved,
And all the threads of my life were drawn.
I never said it in a way that I bluffed,
and for once no lies carried my life on.
The picture I had for what you once were,
And the dreams I had every day of my life;
And I would wake up in delight and ere
The sunrise I would imagine I was you wife.
And the long journeys I took trespassing my being shy
To ever imagine how it would feel in your arms
An embrace I would trade for the earth and sky,
And would live by what these moments brought of charms.
And sitting in my usual dull chair inside my room
Was never dull imagining it was your warm lap
With your fingers passing through my hair and groom
The knots that tied my life and set me in your trap.
Or taking longer under the shower feeling all the drops
Of water as kisses where your lips touched my bare skin,
And fearing to lose the feeling, but gratefully it never stops
Dripping over every inch of my body as if tied by an addictive sin.
Whoever I saw and whoever I will ever see
Will never give me back what I once used to feel.
Nothing will replace that it was only then when I was me
Not caring that I was robbed and my life was the thing to steal.
Passing by the big crowds I would summon you,
And lose the crowds and dance with you with my head
On your shoulders where I felt safe from all the world, and true
It was only a moment I was alive, and the rest of it so dead.
You’ve always been so momentary to me never to last.
True it took all my strengths for these moments to summon;
Yes they were just moments and yes they went too fast,
But these moments defined my existence, my being a woman.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem