Being A Cowgirl Poem by Kendra Tyler

Kendra Tyler

Kendra Tyler

portland, oregon
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Kendra Tyler
portland, oregon
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Being A Cowgirl

Many people I meet
Don't seem to understand
Why a person in their senses
Would want to be a cowhand
It's hard to explian in words
The deeper reasons why
But I feel brave today
So I'll give it a try.

It has to do with nature
The good and also bad
The Challenges of elements
The happy moods and sad
Moneys isn't the object
Though all must making aliving
The animals aren't a dollar bill

When to help them yer doing
Many cowhands mean and tuff
When seeing a snowbound calf
Melts and turns their hearts to mush
To act on it's behalf
It has to do with horses
A very common affection
Not just a passing fancy
More like a drug addiction

A natural love for horses
To ride and bein' in a saddle
Just leads a person by the hand
To want to be with cattle

Ithas to do with living
And doing what you please
Concering occupation choice
One's mind is all at ease
Competeing isn't the issues
When riding the range
Doing the job for the love of it
To some this all sounds strange

It has to do with trying
Wight blood and guts and sweat
Dertemination like the onces
Upon whose back you sit
Not a life for faint and heart
With a dream awry and gamed

If'You've Never Been Bucked Off
Means You Never Gotten ON! '
I guess it was the other day
My only day off the week
I should have stayed indoors
And quiet there to seek

But it was nice and warmed that day
As long as I was doing this now
I might as well help the neighbor
And put ol' Mouse behind a cow
So to some this is a mystery
But it's very clear to me
If I wasn't cowgirlin' for aliving
I'd still Cowgirl for free,

This poem was published 1999 @Internaation Poetry Society
Saadat Tahir 29 July 2012

Ithas to do with living And doing what you please Concering occupation choice One's mind is all at ease Competeing isn't the issues When riding the range Doing the job for the love of it To some this all sounds strange a guess that's what we call job satisfaction....why wouldn't one agree... is a mystery.... a bit philosophical today compared to yer previous stand up.. :) ...poems.. not that it is less charming nice :)

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Kendra Tyler

Kendra Tyler

portland, oregon
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Kendra Tyler
portland, oregon
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