Bedtime Stories Poem by Dakota Ellerton

Dakota Ellerton

Dakota Ellerton

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Dakota Ellerton
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Bedtime Stories

Had you never really realized,
the little thing's give you away?
When you'd hesitate to touch me,
love me.
Thing's changed so quickly.
You'd refused to share such a part with me,
to trust me enough not to accept it.
You'd falsley asked me to marry you,
when all was said and done.
You'd destroyed all trust I'd ever had for you,
you'd broken my heart.
As hard as it is to write this,
I can't help but try not to cry.
You were the biggest part of me,
and you'd stolen that from me.
Even now,
the little things you do are unbarable.
All you'd ever wanted was someone to listen,
that's all I'd ever done.
To my first love,
I beg you to listen in what I write.
Maybe I asked too much of you,
and maybe I tried too hard.
We wanted slightly different thing's.
We're both disturbed you and I.
I know how you think,
and the thing's you dream of.
When you close your eyes,
is this the life you imagined?
If your hands were covered in my blood,
would you see what I see then?
The human body can only bare so much mutilation.
Soon there won't be much left of my own,
my eyes will look upon you once more,
and close forever.
If I could tell my loved ones,
I was sorry for the pain I caused,
I wouldn't really think they'd want to hear it.
Following my father,
I'd be leaving such a painful mess behind.
Everything I'd even known,
was wrong.
With his teachings I'd made it this far,
but with him no longer here,
I don't see how I can exhist.
So as I lay my soul to sleep,
I pray my soul my Father to keep.

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Dakota Ellerton

Dakota Ellerton

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Dakota Ellerton
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