Beautiful sunset
Blazing red rolls of clouds
Swatches of indents upon them
As if animated
Floating at ease
And then I spied a gleaming ray peeking through
Slowly descending to sweep over the parkland
Now so still
People walking their dogs
Trodding silently in the glow of the evening
I peered through my glasses
Looking for signs of tomorrow's weather...
Like the others said, this is a lovely portrait of some very lovely scenery. You must have seen a sunset, which inspired this?
You painted a beautiful picture here, lovely imagry.---Melvina---
If the swallows fly high it will be a nice day tomorrow, when the cows lye down whatch sky a night hihihi nice write dave xxx
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
the sunset painted with your words is also beautiful...