Beach Poem by ONElia AVElar

ONElia AVElar

ONElia AVElar

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ONElia AVElar
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Rating: 3.1

Fine, warm sand under the skin;
breeze playing with the long hair;
seagull`s yells and distant babel;
she feels invisible - stretched
on the overcrowded beach;
innocent, bare-back Eve
from the holy Bible.

Friday, March 28, 2008
Topic(s) of this poem: beach
R H 13 May 2008

A wordpainting that has an emotional weight to it as the surroundings and the feelings of isolation in a crowded space are cleverly conveyed. There is a sense that the narrator is lost in a moment - alone in her own Eden perhaps unaware of everything else around her...justine.

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Emancipation Planz 16 May 2008

Oh yes.. baskingly beautiful... there must be an apple placed somewhere..

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Eve on the primordial beach. This author often feels estranged in crowded places. However here there's the sea element with all its appendages.

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Ivan Donn Carswell 07 August 2008

Sand under the skin in an atmosphere of Bibilical disonnance sets a classical scene - yet you rescue yourself with innocent(?) and timeless ingenuity! Rgds, Ivan

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David Desantis 26 September 2008

onelia- it has been forever! It's great to see your still writing excellent poetry here...i like the way you make your point in only a few lines..i can imagine a beautiful eastern european woman lying on the beach, feeling free, and loving life...haha am i right?

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A B Faniki 07 October 2019

Well penned and captured image. Great write keep them coming

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Afzal Shauq 29 September 2009

Fine, warm sand under the skin; breeze playing with the long hair; seagull`s yells and distant babel; she feels invisible - stretched on the overcrowded beach; innocent, bare-back Eve from the holy Bible. a great theme inter related to spritual saisfaction and symbolic way way of this type of poetry..your doing well and most of your poems are well written., .appreciate you

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Indira Renganathan 24 June 2009

A mood of trance...nice poem

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premji premji 15 May 2009

a painting made of words..........

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Janice Windle 23 March 2009

Surely a self-portrait, Onelia - you've captured the primitive feeling of joy, freedom and abandon to sensuality and the warm sun that one feels on a beach holiday... and I expect Adam was glad you were there too!

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ONElia AVElar

ONElia AVElar

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ONElia AVElar
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