Be An Example Poem by Benjamin Wiche

Benjamin Wiche

Benjamin Wiche

Port Harcourt
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Benjamin Wiche
Port Harcourt
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Be An Example

Make a speech that teach and not itch, stop
wishing you can, start preaching you can, don't
pretend, It's your time you'll spend, you're a
sample, be a good example, you'll get access
denied when you don't know and appreciate how
you're designed, make sure there is no doubt in
your faith and no lie in your truth, remember
you'll be gone when your time is done, don't
walk away from where you're ment to make a
way, strive to be a leader a ladder to move
people further, advice remains an important
device for you to rise, don't stay down if you fall,
rise up there is a greater call, when you're
unconscious of your nature you easily become a
failure, opportunity is not a problem identifying it,
is the problem, cut your long speech only a man
who wears a shoe knows where it pinch, you get
less excuses when there are more options, more
when there is corruption, nobody said life was
easy, get busy, there can't be poise where there
is so much noise... sign up today for harmony
and get a good testimony...


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Benjamin Wiche

Benjamin Wiche

Port Harcourt
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Benjamin Wiche
Port Harcourt
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