Baseball poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best Baseball poems ever written. Read all poems about Baseball.
When I see birches bend to left and right
Across the lines of straighter darker trees,
I like to think some boy's been swinging them.
But swinging doesn't bend them down to stay.
Tell you what I like the best --
'Long about knee-deep in June,
'Bout the time strawberries melts
On the vine, -- some afternoon
For I can snore like a bullhorn
or play loud music
or sit up talking with any reasonably sober Irishman
and Fergus will only sink deeper
Watching baseball, sitting in the sun, eating popcorn,
reading Ezra Pound,
and wishing that Juan Marichal would hit a hole right through the
Anglo-Saxon tradition in the first Canto
they found him walking along the freeway
all red in
he had taken a rusty tin can
Fanaticism?No.Writing is exciting
and baseball is like writing.
You can never tell with either
how it will go
A BEST FRIEND-Makes a lunch trade with you even if he doesn't love peanut butter and jelly.
A BEST FRIEND-Notices you standing alone by the fence and invites you to play hockey with the rest of the class.
A BEST FRIEND-Chooses you to go camping with him each summer.
A BEST FRIEND-Puts chalk in the teacher's eraser so you're not the only
The burden of hard hitting. Slug away
Like Honus Wagner or like Tyrus Cobb.
Else fandom shouteth: "Who said you could play?
Back to the jasper league, you minor slob!"
These are the saddest of possible words:
Tinker to Evers to Chance.
Trio of Bear-cubs, fleeter than birds,
Tinker to Evers to Chance.
Lady, the dog that looks like a rat
Chases a beautiful Persian cat
She puts in high gear
Running like a deer
"Don't overdo it," Dad yelled, watching me
Play shortstop, collect stamps and shells,
Roll on the grass laughing until I peed my pants.
"Screw him," I said, and grabbed every cowry
I am leading a quiet life
in Mike’s Place every day
watching the champs
of the Dante Billiard Parlor
One hot summer day
At the carnival
I saw the teenage boy
Who had a big crush
Thank You Mom-for holding me in your loving arms every time I cried.
Thank You Mom-for changing my diaper and singing me to sleep.
Thank You Mom-for holding my hand as you walked me onto the bus my first day of school.
Thank You Mom-for trudging through the snow each winter to watch me perform in the school play.
What does a hangman think about
When he goes home at night from work?
When he sits down with his wife and
Children for a cup of coffee and a
You have the grit and the guts, I know;
You are ready to answer blow for blow
You are virile, combative, stubborn, hard,
But your honor ends with your own back-yard;
each day mowed
and mowed his lawn, his dry quarter acre,
the machine slicing a wisp
from each blade's tip. Dust storms rose
The game was tied in the bottom of nine
A runner on third and two out
In the dead still air a mosquito's whine
Was all you could hear, then a shout
my memory's screen door opens to the stars;
there's my Grandfather in the yard
gazing up at the constellations
April 5—Get a sport into a poem!
Make Baseball Great Again!
His father loved baseball…he watched his favorite team religiously…
"It's a lot like life." He'd say. "Come and watch a game with me."
"When it's your turn to bat, " he' said, "when you step up to the plate…
Pow pow pow! Joseph comes here
to make fun children and loving as a God.
Baseball, soccer, baseball and all of those sports
He teaches to the children who smile and get fun a lot.
This is not a poem.
I love the game of baseball, and stories related to the game.
Another baseball season begins and as teams vie for fortune and for fame…I'm reminded of the time I tried to teach my children….
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.