Barbara, The Woman, Mother, Wife, Evangelist, Friend, Prophet, The Pastor! Poem by Dr Deborah A Bonner

Dr Deborah A Bonner

Dr Deborah A Bonner

Omaha, NE
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Dr Deborah A Bonner
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Barbara, The Woman, Mother, Wife, Evangelist, Friend, Prophet, The Pastor!

Barbara, the Woman, Mother, Wife, Evangelist, Friend, Prophet, the PASTOR!

An example of elegance is she, so graceful, kind, loving, and concerned always with others and the church on her mind all the time!
Seeing to the needs and keeping the peace. Oh, what a friend she is indeed! The Prophet within her who's obedience to Abba Father is of the uttermost importance.
Those who choose not to obey, she is persistent with love and kindness to get them to comply. The leader in her speaks out and tells them only on God the Father you can rely!
The Woman the Preacher who is profound, well versed, learned and spirit lead in the word of God. She teaches in the simplest form so that a child could understand and not error.
The love of Christ is shown in her preaching and when they enter the inner court, called the Alter is filled up with souls predestinated to be, Pastor knows that God will bring increase!

The Woman, the Mother, which knows her children were lent to her for a time, so she nurtured, fed and clothed them spiritually and naturally.
She fails not to chastise them even when they are old. She leads them by example the right path to take. Even giving them recipes of different meals and deserts to make.

Barbara the woman takes pride in the way she looks inside her home and when she steps outside her humble abode and into society she goes.

Dressing like the Queen she is watching how she talks, walks, carries herself in public for she knows there is a crown of royalty, a bloodline that has been biblically fulfilled and she bears her cross WELL!

Being versatile as you are, you keep it together, although you may be ready to fall apart. The strength that the Omnipotent God our Father gives covers, saturates, surrounds, shields you.
You are the apple of His eye, the light you shine in and out it does not and cannot lie.

Barbara the wife so faithful and truth.
She was a girlfriend, lover, soul mate, and Pastor John's only true love too! A woman of extraordinary strength and a virtuous woman.
Barbara toiled night and day to see everything was right for her husband the man and Pastor! Barbara a First Lady, an example of servanthood, leadership and gentle as a dove correcting and teaching the young ladies with love from above.

'WOW' What a woman she is.
BARBARA she is of ROYAL descent, she was PREDESTINED, CALLED, APPOINTED, ANNOINTED, God's Beautiful Bride and she is a PASTOR after GOD's own HEART and a loving woman sent!

By Dr. Deborah A Bonner
With love from her heart

Monday, August 29, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: friend,god,love,mind,pastoral,spiritual,woman
My Pastor, My Friend, Mother in the Gospel, has been there for me through rough times in my life.
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Dr Deborah A Bonner

Dr Deborah A Bonner

Omaha, NE
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Dr Deborah A Bonner
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