I wish I could take a quiet corner in the heart of my baby's very
own world.
I know it has stars that talk to him, and a sky that stoops
down to his face to amuse him with its silly clouds and rainbows.
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I wish I could take a quiet corner in the heart of my baby's very own world. I know it has stars that talk to him, and a sky that stoops down to his face to amuse him with its silly clouds and rainbows. Tagore's imagination that leads to the truth of life. tony
None can better explain the inexplicable baby's world better than the legendary and visionary - R.N. Tagore.
I wish... A very powerful wish. It might never come true. But it's always worth believing everything can come true. I wish. I wish. To fly among the fairies at midnight. For freedom to be released. For Obama to come back. For friends that are true. I wish.
I wish.. A very powerful wish. That might never come true. But it's still worth trying to make things come true.
I wish I could take a quiet corner in the heart of my baby's very own world. .............. Where messengers run errands for no cause between the kingdoms of kings of no history; Where Reason makes kites of her laws and flies them, the Truth sets Fact free from its fetters.
I wish I could take a quiet corner in the heart of my baby's very-Great poem
Great salute to gurudev Rabindranath Tagore for composing this poem
wonderful written...............................superb imagination
Such a simple, clear and direct expression Tagore has got a wonderful imagination.
............a wonderful tribute to his baby....very nice poem...
the title is cool..................................................
To be innocent as a child and to enjoy the nature around is a gift that is valuable for a poet in whose thoughts and deeds God always is preferred