Baby Brother Poem by Elizabeth Wrobel

Elizabeth Wrobel

Elizabeth Wrobel

Southern Michigan
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Elizabeth Wrobel
Southern Michigan
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Baby Brother

You're the new baby, you have a big responsibility,
This is your duty, you must take it very seriously,
You'll be the center of attention, fussed over by everyone,
No matter what it is, they'll talk about what you've done,
Spitting up, crying, learning to walk,
Eating, pooping, and learning to talk.

Doesn't matter what time, cry in the middle of the night,
Mom and Dad will come, making sure you're all right,
You may want food or just a hug,
Tucking you in, they'll make sure you're snug.

Your big brother is older, much wiser too,
All of his experience he'll share with you,
Taking you under his wing to make you understand,
He knows everything- teaching you all he can!
Knowledge will come in trade for extra chores
 He'll get in trouble and you'll get away with more!
That's just how it is- that's what baby brothers are for!  
Hold your chin up high- wear this title with pride,
When your big brother gives you a piggyback ride!

Saturday, August 1, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: baby,brother,families,family,love,siblings
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Elizabeth Wrobel

Elizabeth Wrobel

Southern Michigan
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Elizabeth Wrobel
Southern Michigan
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