Autumn Love Poem by GREENWOLFE 1962



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Autumn Love

Rating: 5.0

I met her in the autumn;
When such are found, you know.
She said, 'In all her glory.'
Though joking, oh how so!

So true, I did inform her.
But then, to no surprise.
Such things are never certain
In autumn's paradise.

An autumn love, so firmly,
May grasp a loving heart;
It still may seem together,
Though broken from the start.

Through autumn, when it found me.
Through winter's frozen years.
Such love alive in springtime,
Brings forth a rain of tears.

That's why the loves of autumn
Display a special trait.
The heartbreak, comes much sooner.
The love ends, much too late.

For young love, it's more tragic.
Although it's torn apart,
The yearning never ceases
Around a virgin heart.

So when the tears of springtime
Give way and summer looms;
The autumn love, once tempting,
Ignores the soul it dooms.

And then, the autumn comes again
For young loves one and all.
Changing then, its name once more,
From autumn to the fall.

Telli Med Ridha 18 March 2009

i really like it, autumn is the best season and the words you write gave the big value of this season, thank you so much my dear poet.

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Myrtle Thomas 19 March 2009

This is absolutely beautiful i couldn't wait to get to the next stanza.I felt the feelings very visual. a 10

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amazing greenwolfe you've left me quite speechless i daresay it was an amazing peace and the rhythm and rhyme styling you spoke of in your biography has drawn me to it, it canter has a almost seductive sense to it or at least it did to me Timothy Weiermann

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Allan Macli Borges 20 March 2009

“So when the tears of springtime Give way and summer looms The autumn love, once tempting Ignores the soul it dooms”. sometimes seems that feeelings have no feelings, they don't care what them can do with us... brilliant piece.

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James Nall 20 March 2009

once again, another 10! ! ! ! ! ! you never cease to amaze the humble poets, my friend.thank you for a lovely write

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Cristy Upshaw 17 April 2009

Such beauty within your words. I love the title and your words and imagery always a delightful endeavor. Autumn Love, amongst the beauty of the leaves and the slight breeze, kisses so alive and fresh. Magnificent work.

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Vaibhav Pandey 27 March 2009

beautiful poem sir...a treat to read...10

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Juneil Sechico 27 March 2009

nice piece! i enjoyed readin it

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Madison Yeater 26 March 2009

wow..these lines impacted me so strongly! ! ! An autumn love, so firmly, May grasp a loving heart; It still may seem together, Though broken from the start. i love the image this gives.. its a great, light poem to read for enjoyment, or for the content of the heart. =)

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Inday Prising 24 March 2009

i love how you used the seasons to describe how the wonders and troubles of love..hehe..

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