Autumn Friends Poem by Sandra Fowler

Sandra Fowler

Sandra Fowler

W. Columbia, WV, USA
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Sandra Fowler
W. Columbia, WV, USA
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Autumn Friends

Rating: 5.0

If one could bridge the distance with a word,
A journey would become a pilgrimage.
Elegant letters slant across the page.
My leaf has found a home upon your coat.

My kind critic, I think it is our fate
To meet in stanzas of my poetry.
Simile and metaphor must be our bond
Until autumn blows one of us away.

Our rare rapport is irreplacable.
Old moods glimmer on sills like fallen stars.
My little leaf says thank you every day.
It comforts me to know it traveled safe.

'With my compliments to Mukund Dave for
all his eloquent reviews'

Sandra Martyres 07 July 2009

' Our rare rapport is irreplacable. Old moods glimmer on sills like fallen stars. My little leaf says thank you every day. It comforts me to know it traveled safe.' Sandra, this is a stunning poem - brilliant use of the metaphor...It is always a pleasure to read your work..thanks 10++

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autumn friends, everlasting friends...your friends, thanks for sharing 10

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Mamta Agarwal 08 July 2009

trust, rapport, respect, feeling of security are the stuff friendships and all relationships are based on, and the journey becomes sacred like a pilgrimage. I can almost see you with your pen poised on paper, love in your heart, and serenity in your spirit when you write Sandra. as always a classic, each line a memorable one. Mamta

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Meggie Gultiano 08 July 2009

your elegant and lovely words always make me smile.I hope our friendship will always be there even if it is not in Autumn.Thank you so much, Sandra for your friendship, as i quote below this line that i love so much. ............................................................. My leaf has found a home upon your coat. ............................................................. Lovely..thanks for sharing

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Ency Bearis 08 July 2009

your warm compassionate words touched my heart..a beautiful thoughts and nice to keep in my conscience...kudos...10

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Naseer Ahmed Nasir 28 July 2010

If one could bridge the distance with a word, A journey would become a pilgrimage. Your poetic journey is becoming a pilgrimage, Sandra. Regards Naseer

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Fred Babbin 12 February 2010

I am not one for flowery language, but your words are beautiful.

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Nikunj Sharma 29 December 2009

# If one could bridge the distance with a word, A journey would become a pilgrimage........... A grand opening Sandra - philosohical and dubbed in reverence for words and poetry...lovely phrase, dont blame me if you find it used in my poems someday... # Simile and metaphor must be our bond Until autumn blows one of us away.............this streakes out of life and the experiences that we have...great lines constructed out of simple words here...amazing work.... # Our..................... My little leaf says thank you every day. It comforts me to know it traveled safe ..........the last stanza is full of love, sensibility, passion, imagination and human bonding....each word of this poem sparkles....great poem indeed...

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Mamta Agarwal 19 November 2009

if one could bridge the distance with a word, A journey would become a pilgrimage reading your verses is like a pilgrimage itself, for it touches the deepest core of my being, uplifts and fills with reverence. love and regards Mamta

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Sally Plumb Plumb 29 September 2009

What else can I say... its as lovely as ever.

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Sandra Fowler

Sandra Fowler

W. Columbia, WV, USA
follow poet
Sandra Fowler
W. Columbia, WV, USA
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