Attention Span Poem by Joel V Benjamin

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Joel V Benjamin

Joel V Benjamin

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Joel V Benjamin
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Attention Span

Rating: 5.0

Since there are many things worth pondering,
I rarely restrain my mind from wandering.
It doesn't stay on one track,
But leaves often and comes back.
Life has issued to me a limited ration
Of that essential ingredient: concentration.
If I could think of one thing at a time,
I'd attain heights sublime.
But I happen to be a man
With a short attention span,
So you'll have to repeat what you just said;
I was thinking of something else instead!

Monday, January 25, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: humorous,psychology,humor
Chinedu Dike 31 January 2016

A well articulated piece of poetry with delicious blend of humour, psychology, philosophy and life, insightfully penned with conviction. Lovely poem with good rhyme scheme bristling with wisdom. Thanks for sharing Joel. Please read my poem MANDELA - THE IMMORTAL ICON.

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Joel Benjamin 31 January 2016

Hi Chinedu - Thank you for your gracious remarks about my poem. Your poem about Mandela was lovely.

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Joel V Benjamin

Joel V Benjamin

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Joel V Benjamin
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