Asystole Poem by Simone Harriman


Coolly capering
In his coronary artery
She surges in the vein
With blood pulsing in the dark
Methodically metabolically
She vacates his throbbing heart


Undulating in the lung
She breathes freely
Oxygenated she's ready
Swaying as she saunters
Virulent as she ventures


Deep in the atrial vault
There is not too far to go
Through the valve
She slithers
Inward with the flow

Into his ventricular jungle
Sashaying to the beat
With enzymes, she rises
As she stamps and stomps her feet

Quivering she arcs
As she aims her poison dart
To silence the drum
Of his fibrillating heart

Sunday, September 10, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: death,heart
Mj Lemon 11 September 2017

Death personified....this is one of the most amazing incarnations. This could be about flat lining, the medical consequences, or it can define some relationships. Where does the literal end and figurative begin? Stunning poem, Simone.

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Valsa George 12 September 2017

Asystole.... I am familiar with this condition of the heart as I have heard of it from my brother who was a Cardio thoracic Surgeon. But some other medical terms I had to google like Anaphylaxis and 'fabrillaton'..! However I know that behind the figurative meaning, this poem conveys something deeper. I feel it is the violent expression of resentment over the betrayal of love and the subsequent sense of revenge. Betrayal of any sort especially betrayal of love is unpardonable that the betrayed takes pleasure in the annihilation of the betrayer or are you referring simply to a medical condition when the person is assailed by anaphylaxis.... leading to death! I don't know if I am reading between the lines! However a profound write as ever....typical of Simone!

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Kumarmani Mahakul 12 September 2017

She surges in the vein with blood pulsing in the dark. Methodically this provokes thought entirely. Deep in the atrial vault there is not too far to go speeding. An amazing poem is very well drafted on death topic and about deep observation of heart. This brings emotion. Excellent drafting! ...10

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Dr Antony Theodore 19 June 2020

Quivering she arcs As she aims her poison dart To silence the drum Of his fibrillating meticulously and without loosing poetic sense you write my dear poetess. thank yu. tony

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Loke Kok Yee 03 January 2018

Sounds like the best way to go, but you sure went about telling it in a gripping way which made me felt I was moving along with she Thanks Inez

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Bri Edwards 23 September 2017

i think/'know' that V. G. and M.J. L. are reading more into this than you meant them to read. i found myself thinking back to anatomy/biology class(es) . i may not have followed the path completely, but i arrived at death for sure at the ending. sometimes a rapid/quick, relatively painless death is better than living. it sure beats (no pun originally-intended) the heck out of a lingering, painful death! ! ! i'll take death by heart attack gladly, but PLEASE no debilitating attack for me! Thank You. i like the alliterations. bri :)

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Susan Williams 14 September 2017

Oh. My. Word. Your talent hasn't any boundaries. You combine your medical knowledge of the human body with your observations on life and on different personalities and your huge word bank and stir with that special note in your voice and you come up with these incredible poems. This should be poem of the day- -as so many of your poems should be- - and it is on my fav list along with so many of your poems and I give it a 10 but it deserves a billion. Awesome, Simone. Utterly awesome.

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Unwritten Soul 14 September 2017

Anatomical words with physiological imagery, they birth in a modern poetry, and its yours! this is amazing Simone, loved it

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