Ashamed Of Myself Poem by BlueStar Rising

BlueStar Rising

BlueStar Rising

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BlueStar Rising
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Ashamed Of Myself

Rating: 5.0

Emotions locked away behind a wall
You made me feel so very small
You were my friends dad I trusted you
You did those things I thought you'd never do

I wish the tears would run down my face
I hang my head low thinking what a disgrace
The tears inside are coming from all the damage you caused
What do you want now a round of applause

I've watched you do these things to me right before my eyes
Now the only thing left to do is cry inside
You touched me in the wrong places without my consent
Please tell me why this is the way it went

All I wanted was for you to get off me
But getting you off of me wasn't that easy
You hit me in my face and it really hurt
You made me feel like I was a piece of dirt

I remember it like it was yesterday
Answer this will I ever forget about this and be ok
The thoughts are unbearable all I can do is cry inside
Sometimes I just think then ask myself why I didn't die

Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life
i wrote this poem because i was sexually assaulted and this is how i feel.
Naila Rais 29 August 2018

Ohhhhh noooooo so sad..... Pls keep courage..... You should not be ashamed..... Shame goes to him.... Naila Rated 10

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Jazib Kamalvi 29 August 2018

A refined poetic imagination, Jade. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.

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Kelly Kurt 16 April 2015

Fabrizio is right. Keep your head up and keep writing Peace

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Fabrizio Frosini 28 January 2015

why ashamed of yourself? you're the innocent one, here. The filthy one is that man (better: that male animal) who assaulted you.. Shame on him, not on you, Jade.

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BlueStar Rising

BlueStar Rising

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BlueStar Rising
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