As Long As You Love Me Poem by bakuli bhakali

bakuli bhakali

bakuli bhakali

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bakuli bhakali
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As Long As You Love Me

Rating: 5.0

My name doesn’t matter
As long as you know me
My fame doesn’t matter
As long as you don’t abandon me
My fear doesn’t matter
As long as you near me
My anger doesn’t matter
As long as you bear me
My weakness doesn’t matter
As long as you stand by me
My beauty doesn’t matter
As long as you admire me
Your company doesn’t matter
As long as you desire me
My memory doesn’t matter
As long as you remember me
My time doesn’t matter
As long as you accompany
My life matters
As long as you love me.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life,love
Edward Kofi Louis 24 February 2016

As long as you don't abandon me. Knowing that, love is the key. Nice piece of work.

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Simone Inez Harriman 06 November 2015

A truly beautiful poem Bakuli. When you have love nothing else matters....10

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Bakuli Bhakali 06 November 2015

ya, that's true! thanks for reading

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Rajnish Manga 03 November 2015

This has become an instant favourite. This is such a lovely poem from beginning to the end that leaves an indelible impression on a reader's mind. A true treatise on love and mutual understanding between two soulmates. Thanks.

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Bakuli Bhakali 03 November 2015

I'm glad you liked it

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bakuli bhakali

bakuli bhakali

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bakuli bhakali
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