Armageddon (God Cleanse This Sin) Poem by Britney Hogue

Britney Hogue

Britney Hogue

somewhere but no where/ Oklahoma
follow poet
Britney Hogue
somewhere but no where/ Oklahoma
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Armageddon (God Cleanse This Sin)

Rating: 4.8

Its sometime in the night
Possibly even early morning
I wake from a restless sleep
Accompanied by a retched dream
A dream I know is coming true
As I look out my bed room window
And see it growing true

A bell tolls in the distance
Probably that of the churches
Amongst the neighboring town
My curiosity makes me look to it
But I turn away too late to realize
The igniting flames of the devils whoa

I grab the infant from her crib
And follow the husband from the bed
We flee once again from our home
And into the woods to hide again
Why don’t we stay in the trees?
This is been our home months at a time

Why can’t they stop the war?
I wish someone would make them stop
These enemies are destroying our hopes
Along with the futures of our young
Come help us God send the devil forth
Cleanse this sinful land, get our life back again

Harold K Schreiberg 17 September 2009

Surprising verses, about a difficult subject... God does hear those who turn to Him for salvation

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only way to finally stop war is to eradicate the entire human race! provocative poem..intuitive and genuine amazing write!

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Shekhar Joshi 06 March 2009

yes wars needs to be stopped. good work

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~ Jon London ~ 05 March 2009

Nice job, written well with added wow! !

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Britney Hogue

Britney Hogue

somewhere but no where/ Oklahoma
follow poet
Britney Hogue
somewhere but no where/ Oklahoma
follow poet
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