~anxiety~ Poem by Alicia Rose

Alicia Rose

Alicia Rose

Souix Falls, SD
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Alicia Rose
Souix Falls, SD
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-This poem is about the anxiety I'm having over a guy-friend, and yes: this poem is a free-verse! -

Sometimes I wonder why I care
Sometimes I wonder why I give
When I get nothing in return
I walked beside you
And I tried to help you
But you just pushed me away

When people talk about you
My heart starts racing
When I think about you
My mind starts pacing
I don't know why I do
But I just care

That day you brought
Jaisden's knife to school
It wasn't funny
And it wasn't cool
In the blink of an eye
You were gone

When I heard the news
I fell to my knees
Crying my heart out
I got up
Went to class
And it seemed, time would never pass

I went to smoke
During lunch
When I heard the news
It's like I was punched
Seems that you
Were in the 'psych ward'

Don't know why
I'll just say good-bye
Did you know
That's it's the truth
That I do
Indeed, love you too?

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Alicia Rose

Alicia Rose

Souix Falls, SD
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Alicia Rose
Souix Falls, SD
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