An Openness To God Poem by Roselyn A.M.

Roselyn A.M.

Roselyn A.M.

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Roselyn A.M.
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An Openness To God

Rating: 5.0

Each day that passes my life
I call Your name and seek your light.
In my weary mind, in my lonely heart,
You are the answer, You're my guiding star.
In my inner most feeling, inside my mind,
Thousands of questions are rocking day and night.
Hear my prayers Oh Lord, I need You God,
Even if I am not worthy to receive Your love.
Oh my Lord Jesus, I know that You're aware,
To be with You is all I wanted.
But sometimes I know there's a big mistake,
In one corner of my mind, with You I hesitate.
With these temptations I send You my request,
Descend upon me the Holy Spirit.
Strengthen my faith, make it stronger,
So that all those fears, I will not be haunted.
I cannot fill my life only with the things around,
And wonder how it is without vision that guide.
Please lead me Lord so that I will not be trapped,
Into the pit of sins and hell with fires.
Here in my heart, resides a big hope,
With all my hardships I wish I can cope
With Your undying love and graces too
I can be a winner to this battling foe.


Wow! What an inspired poem. A hearts prayer to be full with the things of God! His grace is more than enjoyed this read; D

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Kee Thampi 16 July 2010

be with him of love With these temptations I send You my request, Descend upon me the Holy Spirit. Strengthen my faith, make it stronger, So that all those fears, I will not be haunted. v

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Chinedu Dike 23 August 2020

A beautiful devotional poem written with spiritual insight.

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Dr Antony Theodore 21 August 2017

You are the answer, You're my guiding star. in my innermost heart i adore you Lord Jesus Christ, you will solve all my problems.. a spiritual poem full of religious solace.

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Claudge Ben-at 01 November 2014

Don't let yourself down. I too love God with all his love to us. You already find yourself worthy with this evidence show that praises our most lovable father in the whole world. Stand up, and enjoy every moment of him. Me too.

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Bert Bell 09 October 2010

This is a beautiful poem of supplication, and one I feel you do not need to ask, for he loves you and has already forgiven all of your sins, past, present and future.

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Louis Rams 05 August 2010

GOD is our hope, GOD is in our dreams, even thou he is not seen. he is our hope, he is our salvation, with him there is no hesitation.

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Roselyn A.M.

Roselyn A.M.

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Roselyn A.M.
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