An Inspirational Poem For The Cancer-Stricken Patient Poem by Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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Dr John Celes
Tamilnadu, India
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An Inspirational Poem For The Cancer-Stricken Patient

Now hope is what you clearly need;
Strong faith in God is surely prime;
Just trust in self for life ahead;
Life’s road for each is not the same!

The battle with the foe’s begun!
The struggle will relentless be;
Your mind and heart keep body’s strength;
Victory will be yours in the end.

About the past, you should not brood;
Maintain always a happy mood;
Harboring guilt, you never should;
God is so kind and always good.

Good that you saw the foe early;
Good that you took right remedy;
You could walk lanes you never saw;
Life will go on as per God’s law!

Just keep your cool and never feel;
Take things as they come on and deal;
All trauma, God knows how to heal;
To Him, in prayer, always kneel!

God loves each one of us so much;
He yearns to give His healing touch;
We keep away from Him as such;
Take up your cross and seek His help!

You ought to keep your spirits high
Until the time you have to die;
In despair you should never lie
And be the cancer’s victim, shy.

Accept realities of life;
Overcome tribulations, strife;
Cancer’s not just one problem rife;
Let it not cut your heart like knife.

If mind is made to think aright,
If heart is made to feel things bright,
With will-power and great in-sight,
Dispel life’s darkness by just light.

Are there not ones with worse disease?
Do accidents not make lives cease?
Oh, come what may, but live with ease;
Ask God for help and inner peace!

The way we think affects life-span;
Good thoughts improve quality, span;
Remove despair in mind of man;
A normal life live on, all can.

The breast to females gave beauty;
It kept them and others happy;
The loss of breast was indeed gloom,
But saved many from almost doom!

Let mind not fill with anger, hate;
We shouldn’t worry for change of fate;
The God who cared for us till date,
Will not give woes, and grief, like spate.

Your attitude must be correct;
You must accept your new defect;
Let dementia not one infect;
The good you did, you must inspect.

Diseases should not instil fear;
Smiles, laughter, hope keep us top-gear;
Magical is love from ones dear;
The thought of death mustn’t make one tear!

Cowards die many times ’fore death;
Man must be brave ever since birth;
Avoid all vice that take off mirth;
So transient is our life on earth.

Self-confidence must be your strut;
Its level, you must never cut;
Hope’s beacon must be never shut;
Victory must be your feeling-gut!

Lucky, you were not diagnosed late;
Endure if cure can’t mitigate;
God’s Word can change our every fate;
We have to reach His celestial gate.

Miracles happen nev’rtheless;
God does not wish life be worthless;
God gives all things from His largesse;
For this, our soul must be sinless!

Find solace in others’ sorrow;
From God our life-time, we borrow;
Let death pierce heart like an arrow!
Why bother of things of morrow?

Battle I must my cancer breast;
I take the treatment that seems best;
A storm can ruin any nest,
But I must pass my Maker’s test!

Let bygones be the dismal past;
Let storms not make us look aghast;
Prepare your soul with grace and fast;
Our life on earth will not long last.

Live every moment as worthy;
Fill yourself with good energy;
Each one’s life-span, God will decide;
Obey His code; in Him abide!

At times, it seems life turns unfair;
We lose our boldness and to dare;
But God our friend always takes care
Of us, and wishes our welfare.

Let sorrows fleet away like dreams;
Let morrows come like dawn’s sun-beams;
Ignore death’s threats and nasty screams;
The righteous have God’s angel-teams!

let cancer come like any other disease. so what?

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Copyright by Dr John Celes 17-08-2013
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Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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Dr John Celes
Tamilnadu, India
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