Often says to me, He
Don’t become like me
You can’t turn back from the track on which I’m
On the spur of the moment;
I say nothing except don’t you worry.
Billions dreams I have to burry.
I not be up to snuff to say even
If I could, I would
In your way of twilight,
Warmly widen my palms
Gentle touch of these
Beneath your feet
Alleviate your impediments
Stay away you from all appalling harms.
Wondering around like a willow_ wild
I wish I could build;
A castle of roses,
Every desiccated petal,
Each parched twig of whose,
Planted by love of mine..
Every night when stars would shine,
Moon would beg for,
Spirituality of thine,
Then being an insensitive lover,
I would enclose you in pillow of my arms.
To love and being loved would revamp our desolate charms.
Often he says,
Frequently I think,
If I could, I would squander my life under your limbs.
O my love;
Under your limbs.
A really good imaginary with painted natures on people mind here, it let people have the words and create their own images by these clues...it nice work, just a bridge of illusion, that is what imagination can do :) _Soul
great imagination your words so alive and i really love your way to express it wonderful work
''Often says to me, He Don’t become like me Because You can’t turn back from the track on which I’m'' innovative tricks to write poetry on two counts....lovely keep going..i love it...10
A beautiful poem, winners neva quit n quitters neva win. I likd d spirituality n moon line both, for im a fan of both. Take care. Pls read my latest poem on mr.bean.
Superb poem..words sounds like as if they are speaking. 10/10 for this beautiful imagination: -)
We all are learners and we all have flaws...pls do not mention any such thing because what you have written here is much strong and passionate...many phrases and lines are just so delicate...very good farah...and strong too! ! !
A voice a silent voice with the sound that can be felt perceived desired and i think must be fulfilled
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
not bad Farah ji... mistakes and errors are natural with most of the ESL practitioners so don't worry about it....poem is great, thoughts are indeed very touching and shows how brilliantly have been treated, if feelings get personal than masterpiece emerge, a dejected mood has been seen on this love canvass, as one of our fellow poet says that poetry is a channel of transportation and you did it well.... we can feel.