An Angel Poem by Asit Kumar Sanyal

Asit Kumar Sanyal

Asit Kumar Sanyal

Lalgola, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.
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Asit Kumar Sanyal
Lalgola, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.
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An Angel

A person becomes popular
From his or her behavior
Good behavior makes a man angel
And a woman... goddess
If the person is from higher level
Extra feathers are added
But such persons are very less
In our society
In the journey of my life
I met one...
Before a decade
He was my director
An 'Indian Navy' officer
Commodore Bala Subhramanium
He touched my heart
From inside.

His look was not so beautiful
His color was not fair
And he had no supernatural power
He was simple, honest, positive...
Exceptional and different
From other 'Indian Navy' officers
For me... He is an angel
I learned yoga from him
He taught me it at lunch break
Sitting on the floor in dress
For a fortnight
Later he left Navy, no contact
But he is in my heart
At every dawn
I remember him with respect
While sit for pranayam.

Sunday, June 7, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: angel
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Asit Kumar Sanyal

Asit Kumar Sanyal

Lalgola, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.
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Asit Kumar Sanyal
Lalgola, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.
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