An Altruistic Heart Poem by Claire Sanders

Claire Sanders

Claire Sanders

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Claire Sanders
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An Altruistic Heart

Rating: 5.0

My eyes are merely a looking glass,

Peer to their depths, do you see my soul flicker?

Burning such as a low candle, fighting strengthening breeze,

As experiences past taunt the wick daily again and again,

For try as I might, I remain deep, altruistic,

Their belief can be so non-descript,

When mouthed passed lips of non-believers,

All of those that uttered 'sorry',

Only their tongues moved, their hearts - nay!

Their soul never meant a word of it,

So here my little heart still struggles and flutters...


My heart is nkthing other than a delicate gift,

Sometimes seen as faulty goods,

I accept that my heart may be akin to a shoe,

To be returned to me once all worn out,

Having been told it didn't fit, or just wouldn't do,

And my heart flits to and fro, alike a butterfly,

Once retaining memories of times,

Both good and bad, chances that passed me by,

For here I stand, heart in hand or mouth,

Still faltering, but, despite life's cruelties,

It still beats, and so far remains undefeated...


My life has been like that of a Cuckoo,

I have strived to belong in my nest any nest,

Have wished at times, hoped for that of another,

Altruism - Grass greener pon the other side?

Realism, just a different type of the same world,

Imagination - a more primitive place to escape or hide,

So here I shall remain for my days, a thoughtful chasm,

Seeking only in another, from life the same,

Honest eyes to look upon me, look deep,

Past the reflections of eye looking glass,

See a heart so gifted, a love you can't surpass...

Saturday, May 10, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
David Barlow 10 May 2014

A lovely poem from the heart

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Claire Sanders

Claire Sanders

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Claire Sanders
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