Albert Einstein 3 - The Compass Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon
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Albert Einstein 3 - The Compass

Rating: 5.0

When Albert was five years old,
His father - Hermann, gifted him a compass.
Albert was fascinated by this small instrument.
The northward swing of the needle captured his attention
A seed of curiosity sprung in his tender mind.
Even at such a young age,
He realised that there was an invisible force,
A power that existed in nature.

For Albert, the compass created an admiration,
An awe that continued to haunt him,
A strong inquisitiveness to know more of
The unseen forces in and around objects of nature.
This quest in search of truth lasted his whole life.

Einstein experimented a lot on abstract things.
But he was also interested in practical applications.
In physics, his theories were tested by various means,
And confirmed through experiments.
In 1915, at the age of thirty six, Einstein said:
"In my old age, I am acquiring a passion for experiment."

A Biographical Poem

Sunday, April 25, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: personality,fame,science,true,story
Based on books, biography, and quotes of Albert Einstein by various authors.
Dr Dillip K Swain 25 April 2021

A brilliant informative series that gives us a glimpse of life history of great Einstein...A very commendable attempt...5 stars

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M Asim Nehal 25 April 2021

Fantastic! ! ! ! ! To read him really inspires to do something for this world.

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Kostas Lagos 25 April 2021

Well written biography poem

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Captain Cur 25 April 2021

A wonderful retelling of key points in young Albert's life. I imagine in 1915,36 was considered old, since life expectancy was not very high. Still very odd to hear that statement of fact. The compass, a prophetic small gift, pointing to a lifetime of achievement.

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Rajnish Manga 26 April 2021

A seed of curiosity turned into a 'strong inquisitiveness to know more of The unseen forces in and around objects of nature'. Very apt portrait of Albert Einstein who was driven by his scientific temperament since his childhood. Thanks a lot.

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Renuka Dhabadgaonkar 22 November 2021

This poem perfectly captures the brilliance of Sir Albert Einstein. Beautifully written poem👏🙏❤️

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Praveen Menon 23 June 2021

Yes, the quest to search often helps discover so many facets of life... As always loved reading it.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 05 June 2021

A very inspiring and informative write. The life of a great man will always serve an inspiration to future generations. A well presented and crafted poem.

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Chinedu Dike 12 May 2021

A historical relevant piece of poetry written with a good command of your subject. Stay enriched, Madam.

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Indulekha Menon 11 May 2021

Inspiring biography of Albert Einstein explained very eell in short..

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon
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