“age Of Aquarius” Poem by Ray Lucero

Ray Lucero

Ray Lucero

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Ray Lucero
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“age Of Aquarius”

Rating: 2.7

Mother Earth readies for transformation
As does every human soul alive or dead
Long sought Grail births soul activation
“As above, So Below” at last shall wed


Excerpt from “The Emerald Tablet” by Dennis William Hauck:

“With the new millennium it is expected the entire planet will enter the cosmic Age of Aquarius, as Hermetic truths become self-evident. Again, according to astrologer Burt, the search of the Aquarian is for the Holy Grail. The individual Aquarian is marked by uniqueness, inventiveness, unconventionality, and vision, though they can have strong dislikes and stubborn opinions. They also seek to be appreciated and enjoy popularity and sensual gratification. Notable persons born under the sign of the Water bearer include Federico Fellini, Ayn Rand, Norman Mailer, William Burroughs, Yoko Ono, James Dean, Rutger Hauer, John Belushi, Wolfman Jack, Oprah Winfrey, Brett Butler and Stockard Channing.

Part of the Hermetic truths that will become self-evident in the Age of Aquarius is the integration of mind and body is possible. The ability of the alchemist to direct the energies of his body consciously blesses him/her with great healing powers. Like Balinas, the alchemist can direct this living energy to heal others or apply it to his/her own body. This principle is the basis for stories about alchemists who live for hundreds of years.”

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Ray Lucero

Ray Lucero

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Ray Lucero
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