Afraid To Show What's Really Going On Poem by mona martinez

mona martinez

mona martinez

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mona martinez
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Afraid To Show What's Really Going On

Rating: 2.2

how do you open up?
when you don't know how?
i mean where do you start?
people want to know what's going on,
how do you let them in?
can they be trusted?
for the way you feel?
just want to hide,
don't want to face it,
but you know you have to,
scared of what might happen,
but, is it for the best?
do we all need to reach out for help,
when we need it the most?
afraid to show your weakness,
because it just not you,
but, people you care about want in,
do you let them in?
even though you afraid they might be hurt,
about what you have to say?
but, so tired of it eating you up,
deep inside,
where it shouldn't even be,
because fear keeps me frozen,
from sharing what i'm going through,
will they understand?
can they come to an agreement?
i'm tiried of feeling alone in this,
will somebody help me through?
show me the way,
show me the light,
i want to be free,
but, instead i have so much holding me down,
i don't want to get judge,
i don't want to be bossed around,
what i want is to be able to not hide,
so much inside.
Copyright © 2009


Angel Wings 27 April 2009

i love this i know exactly what this peom is about it is so hard to open up because i have a trust problem with people and it seems like everybody just wants to jugde me and i am very big on not showing weakness i really love this poem 5 stars great job! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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mona martinez

mona martinez

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mona martinez
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