Acronym For Your Name Poem by Bilal Raja

Bilal Raja

Bilal Raja

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Bilal Raja
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Acronym For Your Name

Rating: 4.3

Bewildered In Life And Love,
Something’s will never change
My sad and lonely existence
It’s bound to remain the same

Believing In Lie After Lie,
You led me further astray
Our relationship could never grow
When you were always away

Because I’ve Loved And Lost,
By the saying I’m appalled
That, its better to have loved and lost
Then to have never loved at all

Broken Innocence Left A Legacy,
Turning a child into a ghost
Life through my blood shot eyes
Now to that lets all toast

Being Isolated Leaves Anyone Lonely,
Without a lover or a friend
Alone in this dark room
This is where my story ends


Solitude can give you introspective thoughts.A good way to get rid of loneliness is to trust your inner-guide-your Angel.You can't always depend on people but you can depend on your inner strength.I personally don't mind my own company.At least I can think then with no demands from other people.Good poem capturing the pain of loneliness....but we never walk long as you believe in yourself.Smile--I gave you another ten.

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Kyle Orr 17 January 2009

i love it all :) you are very good at what you do please keep it up

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gr8t job again. one lil thing.. i noticed it in my own work, sometime following the 'rule', rhyming patterns etc, take away froom emotion and replaces the stronger feeling with the rhyme, dont let that stop you from reachign the peaks of expression. Leslie

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Dolan Doran 17 January 2009

okey, this one I's great. I don't really like rhyme schemes, but appart from that, I love it. I'm putting this one on my wall. :)

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Ana Zaldivar 17 January 2009

great job :) you are trully talented! it's a very beautiful poem! !

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Rani Turton 16 February 2009

Very touching, Bilal. A promise of great poetry to come.

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Dolan Doran 14 February 2009

holy crap! ! I love it! ! ! seriously seriously love it! great job.

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Tiera Parker 30 January 2009

that poem was great.. i almost cried.. i know exactly how it feels

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Raindreamer Hippy 23 January 2009

You express yourself well. I feel like so many people could relate to this. Another great poem. =)

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C Richard Miles 22 January 2009

Bilal, I’m Leaving A Letter Or two about your poem: Believe that it’s sure to get better And sorrows will soon be going. A bit trite, perhaps, but experience is talking here. At your age life can seem not worth living sometimes, but at least you’ve got it all before you. A great poem, though – keep on writing. Richard

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Bilal Raja

Bilal Raja

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Bilal Raja
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