Accountability Poem by Bob Gotti

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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Bob Gotti
New Jersey
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Rating: 5.0

All men will be accountable, from the wisest man to the lowest fool,
Accountable to God, our Creator, and His Son who came as Savior.
Some men to a greater degree, who were exposed to Truth regularly,
Less for those who never heard, the regular teaching of God’s Word.

But all men will face accountability, to The Lord and God of Eternity.
Everyone on earth shall ultimately, confess to God on bended knee,
What they knew about Jesus Christ, as they reflect back on their life.
Saddened from choices they made, as their past before them is laid.

This fact will be especially true, of men Born Again, like me and you,
Who from Christ above received, The Holy Spirit when they believed.
The Spirit we received from God, helps us live on this earth we trod,
Living our life different from, the fallen past from where we’ve come.

Living our life to bring Glory to, The Lord, who died for me and you,
Christ died to take away our sin, so that we can live our life for Him.
This life we live, isn’t on our own, but in the power of God’s Throne,
Who sent His Son to show men how, we can live life, here and now.

Accountability is so that we grow, and from our life Christ will show,
While we are accountable to God, Christ leads us with staff and rod,
This as He uses our accountability, in ways which count for Eternity,
Gaining for believers eternal reward, when we live for Christ our Lord.

(Copyright ©06/2007)

Theodora Onken 24 June 2007

Bob, i can only hope and pray that everyone reads you and Dr. John. Every word you truth. Is: The Word...comes from the: I am...Jehovah, God, Jesus Christ your Lord. May God send you and your family many blessings along your path of life as you are a chosen vessel of God's. Theo

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1482 / 900
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
follow poet
Bob Gotti
New Jersey
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1482 / 900
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