Abraham Poem by gershon hepner

gershon hepner

gershon hepner

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gershon hepner
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Rating: 4.3

My language always is precise,
but I’m prepared to take advice
from people who can’t follow what
I’m saying. When I’m being hot,
some people cannot understand
my arguments since they’re not bland,
and even when they see I’m pensive,
they sometimes find my words offensive.
Although I try to be pellucid,
it is a nuisance that is deucèd
that I should be accused of being
obscure when I am disagreeing
with people who do not esteem
my words. It wasn’t Ibrahim
who walked with Ishmael to Moriah,
but Abraham who lit the fire
beneath young Isaac. That is clear,
though many do not want to hear
such simple facts, like those I write,
pellucid, although impolite.
The man who told God: “Here I am! ”
was very surely Abraham,
not Ibrahim, and that’s a fact,
which, like my own, I won’t retract.

Raynette Eitel 09 March 2007

Well done, Gershon! This is truth made light, fun, but very lucid. Thanks for this one. Raynette

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Bianca J. Walker 29 June 2008

Bravo! ! ! a superb write.

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Marieta Maglas 16 July 2009

The poem is wonderful.It has a very suggestive theme with Biblical content.The conclusion is very clear.I appreciate these ideas....10++ from me

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Joe Breunig 03 November 2009

Another enjoyable piece; it's always interesting to see people to not allow facts to perssuade their thinking; wonderful write. -Joe

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Soul Watcher 05 November 2014

Actually They were not Arab, for Example the books say about Ibrahim that his language was The Syriac and Hebrew... And for Yusuf the books say that his language was the Ancient Aramaic and so on...

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Aftab Alam Khursheed 05 November 2014

This poem is talked about Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac- and for me Abraham is Ibrahim like Isha is Jesus and Moses is Musa and Joseph is Yusuf they all were arabs

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Dorian Petersen Potter 26 June 2014

Love it! Great writing.

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Lenny Camacho 05 November 2013

rap on gershon hepner.......

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Stan Petrovich 25 December 2012

It is difficult to overcome the hatred I have of this junk. In the end nothing here matters at all.

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gershon hepner

gershon hepner

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gershon hepner
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