Abortion (Think It Twice) Poem by Mary Wismer

Mary Wismer

Mary Wismer

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Mary Wismer
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Abortion (Think It Twice)

Rating: 3.9

Abortion (think it twice)

They never had a chance to meet you,
They never get to see your face,
They never know what could have been if you had a different fate.
They chose to end your life before it even begun.

Now she wishes she never done to tribe you,
If she could bring back the time
and change what they she have done.
What she would give to have you here,
To hold you in her arms and look into your eyes,
To tell you that she love you and sooth you when you cry.

But she was stupid and was selfish,
Let others get into her head,
She let everyone convince her that
the right thing was to have abortion.
Although she knew that, in her heart,
it wasn't what she really wanted.

But still they made the choice to end
your life before it started.
They hope that if you're out there,
You do not hate them for what they did,
And if they had the chance
to end their life so you could live.

But now you are on your mother
thoughts everyday for the rest of her life,
With each year that passes,
And you'd be getting older.
She will never forget the biggest
mistake she ever come to make,
Ending her baby’s life.

10 January 2008

Patrice James 10 January 2008

I agree with you Mary...and i will never recomend abortion...thats the biggest mistake man and woman chooses to do.

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CU2urDream Lost 11 January 2008

I my self never agree for abortion, why do they need to do that for...if they play on their fire they should know playing in their own fire can caused them a life that should not be killed...but no..they want to feel the heat of their body and after wards they realized they made a big mistake..and the only solution are abortion...I am really happy you shared your thoughts about abortion.

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Sim Dan 13 January 2008

Well, come to think of it - what a subject and what a way to write - I guess I have lived to tell the story that abortion could have robbed me of life - so few people think it is bad - leave alone equate it with murder - of the yet innocent - worse, unborn infant - a truly great masterpiece testifying to that commandment of the Lord, 'Thou shalt not kill' - fantastic, Mary, appreciate it a lot

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Duncan Wyllie 13 January 2008

Think about it, no....really think about it, , Life is not something we should just cut down when we choose because we can, there are many complications, but love if felt deeply in the heart can conquer all else, take time to really consider....Life Love duncan X

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Ben Gieske 30 March 2008

I agree with all you say. You have presented your thoughts in a very persuasive way. We can hope that others will ponder them before they make a decision they will regret.

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Ashley Hart 23 February 2008

I must agree with everything Allie said. This poem so deep and clearly states the regret that abortion leads to. Life is precious and everyone deserves their chance. Even if the mother can't take care of the baby there are many loving families out there who can't concieve who would love to provide a warm home.

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John Nightingale 22 January 2008

I think it's a fine poem covering a difficult topic. I'm pro choice and feel an open mind needs to be applied when dealing with this issue. Most importantly your poem raises the debate.

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Alison Cassidy 15 January 2008

Oh Mary, this poem presses many stops in the organ of my heart. Yes, you're absolutely right in everything you say. And yet, for a very young girl, sometimes the choice is not so clearcut. I believe that every soul has many chances to incarnate. And when one is sadly thrown on the scrap heap, that is not the end. There are other opportunities for love and fullfilment. Something tells me there is a personal dimension to this poem. It is certainly written with conviction and passion. love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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solving this problem is a very time-consuming job.by the way there is one basic and essential solution: 'Religion' Clearly you have demonstrated the problem, well done thanks for sharing

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Mary Wismer

Mary Wismer

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Mary Wismer
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