Beautiful poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best beautiful poems ever written. Read all poems about beautiful.
The night is beautiful,
So the faces of my people.
The stars are beautiful,
The dark wings of night enfolded the city upon which Nature had spread a pure white garment of snow; and men deserted the streets for their houses in search of warmth, while the north wind probed in contemplation of laying waste the gardens...
Honesty is beautiful
Kindness is beautiful
Intelligence is beautiful
Talent is beautiful
I cried over beautiful things knowing no beautiful thing lasts.
The field of cornflower yellow is a scarf at the neck of the copper
sunburned woman, the mother of the year, the taker of seeds.
They don't make it
the beautiful die in flame-
suicide pills, rat poison, rope what-
Beautiful city
Beautiful city, the centre and crater of European confusion,
O you with your passionate shriek for the rights of an equal
A beautiful singing bird
Imprisoned in a golden cage
Waiting to be freed
Since the hominoid age!
Here lies a most beautiful lady,
Light of step and heart was she;
I think she was the most beautiful lady
That ever was in the West Country.
I am beautiful
Not only because of the curve of my hips
Or the shape of my body
Not only because of the fullness of my lips
You are my flower
you are my sweet soft petal
hand in hand my hand
Less time than it takes to say it, less tears than it takes to die; I've taken account of everything,
there you have it. I've made a census of the stones, they are as numerous as my fingers and some
The deer were bounding like blown leaves
Under the smoke in front the roaring wave of the brush-fire;
I thought of the smaller lives that were caught.
Beauty is not always lovely; the fire was beautiful, the terror
Beautiful star with the crimson lips
And flagrant daffodil hair,
Come back, come back, in the shaking ships
It rests me to be among beautiful women
Why should one always lie about such matters?
I repeat:
It rests me to converse with beautiful women
Who has not crossed the bridge of emotions?
Which keeps on flickering?
Day and night like the beautiful stars
Twinkling in the sky,
My dove, my beautiful one,
Arise, arise!
The night-dew lies
Upon my lips and eyes.
Oh Mother
I am
That daughter of yours
Who you see
The extraordinary patience of things!
This beautiful place defaced with a crop of surburban houses-
How beautiful when we first beheld it,
Unbroken field of poppy and lupin walled with clean cliffs;
My angel is the one who looks over me
My angel is the who cares for me
My angel is the one who loves me
My angel has beautiful brown eyes
You're such a beautiful Willow
So soft and sweet and gentle
My Love, I love to love you
Under the shade of the willow
Beautiful girl, I must confess
You are the secret to my happiness
Beautiful girl, our love came early, and fast
I treasure each moment, no ending, no past
Muhabat was an artist who loved his work.
Someone had given dreams to his dream.
The meaning of misfit is someone who is pushed out of a group of people simply because they are different. Some people who are labeled as misfits might think something is wrong with them. Nothing is wrong with them, something is wrong with the people who discarded them like trash. Little did they know that these people are different, beautiful, strong, and brave. They are brave because they are not scared to be their weird unique selves. They are strong because most Beautiful Misfits are talked about but they continue to be their beautiful selves. Beautiful Misfits are not afraid to speak up for themselves. Beautiful Misfits will stand up for their friends and family. Beautiful Misfits will always stay true to themselves no matter what anyone says they don't change. They are often misunderstood and told they 'always look depressed' or 'you should smile more' or 'where did that smiling little kid go' those types of comments are what happened to us. When we are told these comments it makes us feel like a black sheep as if no one wants us. When really there are many other people who feel the exact same all they need is another Beautiful Misfit to help them realize they are wanted. Other Beautiful Misfits tend to find each other and when they do they become stronger and once they group together they are unstoppable. They look after each other and they love each other like a family. To all people who discarded these Beautiful Misfits missed the best person, they could ever meet. And I should know because I am a Beautiful Misfit.
Beautiful winged ones!
Beautiful ladies! ! ! !
Beautiful winged young women,
Beauty, beauty is worth pursuing
Skin deep is still
Clear water is a beauty
fish, fish crawling like salamanders you see
You are beautiful
Not only because of the beaut of your eyes
Or the shape of your body
Not only because of the fullness of your lips
Everyone always compliments me on my beauty from my well-groomed hair, my nails, and my body. But what they don't know I do all this to cover up that I'm a beautiful mess. From my former drug problems to my baby daddy drama; I'm just a beautiful mess. I was raped by two uncles when I was a child. For a while, these traumas stole my smile. I'm just a beautiful mess. I and my momma's bum heads all the time. She still holds my past against but that's fine. I love her despite her judging me. I'm just a beautiful mess. I got it together now because I'm finally letting the Lord guide me. He loves me and I'm perfect in the Lord's eyes; even if the rest of the world only sees me as a beautiful mess.
Beautiful is your saying
When you say words of love and hope,
Beautiful is your behaving
When you behave well with all with love,
There are many good poems and poets in the world. Most of them have their own style and even their own words, however some of them use the same style with the others but their choices of words make them different. For a poem to be beautiful it doesn’t have to just rhyme, it should have a good plot or message but if the poem combines them, then it becomes beautiful.
Also, the most beautiful poem should have a unique property such as having a unique design or giving a unique message. It was hard to choose only 13 from hundreds of good poems in the world but we hope you are satisfied with our picks. Now without further ado, here is 13 of the most beautiful poems in the world.
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise...
Maya Angelou’s Still I Rise is about how Maya can overcome any obstacle you put in front of her, how she is confident and doesn’t care about what others think and will continue rising even if others make fun of her because she is black or a woman. She is still rising. Because of these messages this poem is the 13th in this the most beautiful poems list.
so much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
This poem is about how ordinary objects such as e wheel barrow or chickens can be so beautiful but
we are not aware of it. This poem pulls our attention from the other side of the world where we
think beauty is, to around us.
Lay your sleeping head, my love,
Human on my faithless arm;
Time and fevers burn away
Individual beauty from
Thoughtful children, and the grave...
This poem is for every single lover in the entire world, it doesn’t matter who or what you are this poem includes everyone. Its melody is really nice as well as the lyrics. It touches your heart.
10. Sonnet 18, William Shakespeare
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date;
This list wouldn’t be the most beautiful poems list if there weren’t any poems from Shakespeare. This Shakespeare wrote this poem to his loved one and to praise her beauty. In the poem Shakespeare compares a summer day to her beauty and prefers her beauty. The whole poem answers the question in the beginning of the poem “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”.
Seventeen years ago you said
Something that sounded like Good-bye;
And everybody thinks that you are dead,
But I.
The title “A Quoi Bon Dire” is French and means “what good is there to say”. This poem has 3 verses. The first verse is about her loved one’s deaths and that everyone thinks he is dead but in the speaker’s heart, he is still alive. The second verse is about how the speaker is close to death though she knows that her loved one still sees her as young. The third and last verse is about another young boy and girl falling in love and thinking nobody will love like them, though actually a lot of lovers think like that so everyone love each other as much as they love each other.
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
The woman in the poem is as beautiful as a cloudless, starry night, which tells us the beauty Byron finds in said nights. And later on in the poem we learn that she has raven hair and bright eyes, combining it with the 3rd line, making the woman’s beauty partly because of the contrasts between dark and bright, again idolising the woman’s beauty.
Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half light,
This was a love poem to the woman Yeats loved for years. They never married although Yeats asking her several times, and this poem didn’t have the effect he wanted in that regard. He says to the woman that if he was rich, he would give her everything he owned, but as a poor man, he only dreams to do so.
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
Poe’s message in this poem is to “let go”. The man in the poem is haunted by the death of his beloved and the raven symbolizes “mournful, never-ending remembrance”.
Golden slumbers kiss your eyes,
Smiles awake you when you rise;
Sleep, pretty wantons, do not cry,
And I will sing a lullaby,
Rock them, rock them, lullaby.
The poem is obviously a lullaby and has a few metaphors in the usage of some words, one being that “golden” slumbers is meant for the beauty and rareness of good sleep.
Full many a glorious morning have I seen
Flatter the mountain tops with sovereign eye,
Kissing with golden face the meadows green,
Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy;
Sonnet 33 is one of Shakespeare's more famous sonnets. It contains a heartbreak unlike most of Shakespeare’s other sonnets. Shakespeare is dumped by Fair Youth.
My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
This poem is famous for this line: the child is the father of the man.
In the poem William Wordsworth says that our childhood shapes our adulthood so the child is father of the man. He saw a rainbow when he was a kid and that joy is still with him, if he loses it, there is no point of living for him.
O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
This poem is written for Abraham Lincoln who died after the American Civil War. It seems like a captain of a ship died after a war in the sea, actually the captain is Abraham Lincoln and the war that that has been won is the Civil War.
This poem is just 4 words and it is the most beautiful poem because it can tell so many things with just 4 words and how they are arranged. This unique arrangement of words and the words themselves make this poem the most beautiful poem and if you couldn’t read it here is what it says:
L (a leaf falls) oneliness. The phrase “a leaf falls” is between the “l” and “one” of “loneliness”
This poem explains loneliness with giving the poem the shape of “1” and dividing the word “loneliness” to leave “one” alone
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.