A True Friend Poem by Brandi Young

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Brandi Young

Brandi Young

New Jersey
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Brandi Young
New Jersey
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A True Friend

Rating: 3.7

A true friend is always there for you
A true friend will help you no matter ther problem
A true friend is like a sister, she knows your better, than you know yourself
A true friend is someone who knows when you're sad, ans can cheer you up when you need it most
A true friend is someone that can make you laugh no matter what they say or do
A true friend is someone who believes in you
A true friend will stick by your side
A true friend is someone you can call just if you need a shoulder to lean on
But most of all a true friend will never leave you


A True Friend
Laura 14 February 2018

I showed it to one of my classmates and she liked it too!

11 1 Reply
poppy 14 February 2018

This made me cry I showed it to one of my classmates and she liked it too!

9 1 Reply
Nawab 16 March 2018

It touched my heart

5 1 Reply
Ravinder Malhotra 21 August 2008

It's all very well to express emotionally the attributes of a true friend, but how do you categorise this piece as poem. It is more in the form of a statement! I hope you shall excuse my forthrightedness.

3 3 Reply
mark sephat 30 May 2018

true, a true friend is there for you no matter the hard time you undergo

4 1 Reply
Richard Antwi 18 June 2020

Yes, 'A true friend will always be there for you'.

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hello 10 September 2019

hello very nuce nice

1 0 Reply
A B Faniki 25 July 2019

Heartfeltpiece and it had a nice rythm to it. Thanks for sharing

1 1 Reply
Cassie 29 September 2018

Shit Napaiyak ako dun ah..

1 2 Reply
Rupali 22 August 2018

True but bore

2 3 Reply
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Brandi Young

Brandi Young

New Jersey
follow poet
Brandi Young
New Jersey
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