A Tin Of Biscuits Poem by Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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Paula Glynn
Essex, Britain
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A Tin Of Biscuits

The tin of biscuits sits on the red checker tablecloth,
As family happily pluck out those biscuits,
Of short bread, cookies, bonbons,
Custard creams, jammie dodgers,
And other tasty biscuits,
For that tin of biscuits is a celebration,
Of Christmastime and a united family,

For family celebrating Christmas,
Is going all out in the food department,
And having laughter and such fun,
To admire the Christmas lights of the town,
Family standing together in the cold,
To watch everyone say their prayers aloud,

For the wonderfully decorated Christmas tree:
Both home and away, celebrate that special day,
When Christmas lights up the entire world,
Every family to sit in the lounge,
A tin of biscuits to commemorate the occasion,

Every Christmas tree to light up the towns,
And homes, of the people, glorious colours,
Of reds, greens, blues, purples, yellows,
Those decorations of gold stars and angels,
Children to look at in wonder,
For children love this time of year,
To celebrate Christmas with a smile and a cheer,

And even after Christmas dinner,
Of turkey and all the trimmings,
A tin of biscuits is shared,
And old classic movies to be watched,
"A White Christmas" never forgotten at this time of year,
Red wine and other alcohol everyone to drink instead of beer,
For later tonight, Father Christmas will be here,
To place excitement in the heart of children,
As they go to sleep reluctantly,
The morning not coming soon enough,
And rushing out of bed,
Parents sitting with a smile,
Knowing this precious time,
Worth the myth of Father Christmas,

And even those children in poverty,
Father Christmas brings joy,
For he saves the world,
Christmastime to heal the world,
People to join together,
And save the children and lonely elderly.

Christmas spirit all year long,
To unite the world and stay strong,
For at Christmastime we all belong.

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Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
follow poet
Paula Glynn
Essex, Britain
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