A Tangible Proof Poem by Bob Gotti

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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Bob Gotti
New Jersey
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A Tangible Proof

Tangible proof of The Living God, came to walk on this earthly sod,
In Jesus Christ, God’s Own Son, The Lord and Savior of everyone.
Christ came to minister for all to see, The Living God of all Eternity,
He appeared in The Father’s Place, beginning God’s Age of Grace.

All the men who saw Christ that day, saw the Father in a living way,
Being sent by The Father above, to show all men His Father’s love.
God, who spoke thru prophets of old, sent His Son for all to behold.
No one ever looked on God’s face, apart from His awesome Grace.

Jesus was not just a man by birth; He was the very God of the earth,
The God-Man and Son Jesus Christ, sent to be The Lord’s sacrifice,
Paying sin’s price so we could be, the children of God for all Eternity.
God chose to send His Only Son, to die for the sin that we had done.

It’s only thru the Son Jesus Christ, can we know the Father in this life,
The Way God had revealed himself to, fallen sinners like me and you.
Jesus said The Father lived in Him, the Lamb of God who had no sin,
While Christ our Savior also knew, He himself lived in The Father too.

On returning to His Throne on high, Christ sent His Spirit to you and I,
So that He’d never have to depart, Christ came to live inside our heart.
Christ also has a place for you and me, to live with God for all Eternity,
Where after this present Age of Grace, we’ll see The Lord face to face.

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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Bob Gotti
New Jersey
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