A Tale Of Unspoken Strength Poem by Hanny Gompana

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Hanny Gompana

Hanny Gompana

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Hanny Gompana
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A Tale Of Unspoken Strength

Rating: 5.0

In a world where shadows blend with light,
She was born beneath a star so bright
In halls of lavishness where dreams take flight
Her heart was full of Hope and guiding light

Her visions were grand
To help the world with a giving hand
A philanthropist she was by heart
Dreaming to better others lives

Yet she was hit by cruel fate
Hitched to being of different breed
Her dreams seemed to fade and die

She chose to bear the weight of scorn
Her spirit bruised but never torn
In silence she weathered the storm
A flower bending but never fell

Her days were filled with quite strife
An unspoken battle, a test of life
Her prayers floated on wings of Hope
A silent vow, a faith to cope

Did she waited on Smile to rescue
A smile to fade away all sadness
Or was it Faith that held her tight
In God' s embrace her guiding light? ?

Perhaps she feared to voice her pain
Believed to lose again speaking again
So she endured in silence which turned into her strength

Her silence is a testament to her grace
Still embraced the world that judged her harshly
Beautiful but heavy heart she carried
Perhaps the weight of her dreams that remained in quite space

Years gone by her story unfolds
A tale of courage in silence is told
Her heart is so bold so is her spirit
In the quite of life her legacy holds

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Hanny Gompana

Hanny Gompana

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Hanny Gompana
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