A Streetwalker Named Desire- (Part 1) Poem by Dee Daffodil

Dee Daffodil

Dee Daffodil

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Dee Daffodil
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A Streetwalker Named Desire- (Part 1)

Rating: 4.8

She stood on the corner
Of Life and Pain
Trying hard to ignore
The driving rain

Her life was a shambles
Her life was a wreck
She subconsciously rubbed
The gold chain on her neck

She wore red stilettos
She wore a short dress
How in hell had she fallen
Into this sad mess

She was trying her best
To do what was right
She had two kids at home
On the wretched wet night

Her angels, her babies
Her pride and her joy
No father in sight
For her girl and her boy

She left them with sitters
She left them alone
They knew how to find her
By only cell phone

She had bills to pay
And mouths to feed
Her life on the street
Was not due to greed

She hated herself
Hated what she was doing
Wrestled her conscience
And kept right on going

As she strolled back and forth
On the corner that night
She began to think
She was losing the fight

Not many cars out
For a Friday night
But soon a blue Camry
Pulled into sight

The window rolled down
Her head started to throb.
'How much, Love...
For a little Blow Job? '

To be continued...

By Dee Daffodil June 23/06

David Darbyshire 03 July 2006

Well Dee Darling, nice read, Ya a lot of that in Amsterdam we see it everyday, part of life, sounds like you drive by the same girl? Kiss dave very good xxx

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Ebone' Ingram 31 July 2006

It's so sad...I think I'm about to cry. I love it. Can't wait for Part 2! Rock on! Eni da Kid (my nickname)

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Alison Cassidy 11 August 2006

Very interesting topic written with compassion. I particularly liked the last verse. love, Allie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Michael Gale 12 August 2006

A very intrigueing read. Dirty words-ALL RIGHT! At least we know this poem isn't rated G. Good poem Dee. God bless all poets-MJG.

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Ivor Hogg 18 August 2006

Opening stanza gripped my attention I was impressed by your compassion and non judgemental stance ivor

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Mamta Agarwal 08 August 2008

this is really touching, full of compassion and empathy. i will read the others next time,10

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Ershad Mazumder 06 August 2008

Dear D, after a long time I read such a beautifull and touchy piece. I say it is poetry.Thanks a lot for sharing.

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Hasan Ali 03 May 2008

This is a very interesting text. I like it plenty. Would you say that the title, an alteration on Williams's epic play has something to do with the content of what you're saying in your poem? Do you see Blanche as a prostitute perhaps?

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Amie-Lee ...... 26 February 2008

Thankyou so much for providing insight into the matters of prostitution.

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kskdnj sajn 28 February 2007

Dee, this is indeed a sad reality; good people are often without guidance. Nice work.

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Dee Daffodil

Dee Daffodil

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Dee Daffodil
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