A Song Of Living Poem by Amelia Josephine Burr

Amelia Josephine Burr

Amelia Josephine Burr

United States
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Amelia Josephine Burr
United States
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A Song Of Living

Rating: 5.0

Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.
I have sent up my gladness on wings, to be lost in the blue of the sky.
I have run and leaped with the rain, I have taken the wind to my breast.
My cheeks like a drowsy child to the face of the earth I have pressed.
Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.

I have kissed young love on the lips, I have heard his song to the end,
I have struck my hand like a seal in the loyal hand of a friend.
I have known the peace of heaven, the comfort of work done well.
I have longed for death in the darkness and risen alive out of hell.
Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.

I gave a share of my soul to the world, when and where my course is run.
I know that another shall finish the task I surely must leave undone.
I know that no flower, nor flint was in vain on the path I trod.
As one looks on a face through a window, through life I have looked on God,
Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.

Friday, November 28, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: death

Life is unfinished symphony

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Souren Mondal 25 January 2016

'I know that no flower, nor flint was in vain on the path I trod. As one looks on a face through a window, through life I have looked on God, Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.' Wise words. I wish all of us can be so much at peace with our lives when we die. Beautiful and haunting at the same time, the poem gives us a sense of tender ruminations about the meaning of our lives and how we have been spending it; and at the same time gives us hope, that maybe one day we can die with the same dignity that the speaker of the poem did.

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Amelia Josephine Burr

Amelia Josephine Burr

United States
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Amelia Josephine Burr
United States
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