A Song Of Despair Poem by VIPINS PUTHOORAN



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A Song Of Despair

Rating: 3.0

The night rain sing the song
To benumb my soul all along.
Grief breaks heart's fence
Over the hills of silence
The song of despair!
Floats everywhere in air
The song of despair
Floats everywhere;
Till the depth of heart's creek
To cascade tears through the cheek.
One's heart becomes stone-dead
When their most loved left its stead.
Eyes then lost fore'er its shine,
Nothing will follow there but a shadow;
The only crony I've to say as mine
To walk with me in this despair-meadow.
Once in a medow of love I walked
With my lover and we stalked
Holding her hand in my wrist,
Holding my hand around her waist.
We woven the wings of dreams
And built castles on streams
Life was an ever opened book
Where the moments of love we took,
To draw the most beautiful pictures on its pages
As our hearts were one as a land with no rages
Everytime the hands of destiny write its word
The golden pages of life was engulfed by rust
That made the glitter of love blurred,
Eyes scatter the seeds of despair in dust
No one knows what's destiny,
Until they feel what's despair!

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Topic(s) of this poem: despair
Romeo Della Valle 23 October 2011

Wow! A superb reservoir of strong imagery and fine penning words! Pain is the other side of the coin, my friend! Being alone means you are in your own space and time without being disturbed by anyone! However, being drown in loneliness, means something else very heavy and deep not easy described in simple words. I can fully identify with your powerful and thought provoking write! 10+++ Keep it up, Champ! Love and Peace for always! Romeo from NYC...

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Geoffrey Ngoima Ndegwa. 24 October 2011

I am feeling the hopelessness of this lost love, i love the flow n use of diction, the metaphor.... Another good one, man!

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Kee Thampi 24 October 2011

That floats everywhere in air, Till to the depth of my heart's creek To cascade tears through my cheek. But this moon heart is stone-dead deep of the real world we feel it

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Brianna Winebarger 26 October 2011

I love your poem. It is so descriptive and sureal. You're an amazing poet, kepp it up.

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Kevin Patrick 26 October 2011

I feel like I am in a dream when I read this, or a painting by Van Gogh, although you portray everything with grief and anguish, I can't help but feel that I am floating in your words that portray this story of heartache. Touching and Fantastic.

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Deep Paul 02 April 2018

Good work.thanks for sharing this poem.

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Edward Kofi Louis 02 January 2016

But there is hope ahead of you. Nice work.

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Valsa George 03 July 2012

The elegy of a love lorn soul! ! Intense emotions powerfully conveyed.....A very nice poem! !

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Wahab Abdul 08 March 2012

THIS IS A MARVELLOUS PIECE OF ART …………………………………….. What a nice poem IT IS! Nice words have been used in the poem. The quality of the poem is in its flow, the texture of the poem is knitted well, the theme is fantastic, a very good image has been created.The another quality of the poem is its mystic music. It is a great poem.I like the poem; I enjoyed it while reading. I am giving you 100/100..Keep it up. And at last I like to thank you for sharing this superb poem among us. please read some of mine.ESPECIALLY ‘’I WANT TO DIE’’

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Rajendran Muthiah 12 February 2012

Revenge is a kind of wild justice.-Bacon. When you suffer within yourself, you differ from others and pour forth lines of melancholy verse. Cheers!

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