A Secret Poem by Silence Dogood

Silence Dogood

Silence Dogood

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Silence Dogood
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A Secret

Rating: 5.0

My first day of school started with laughs and stares.
Giggles and pointing they didnt care.
I clearly was new as if that changed a thing.
Nobody cares what happens to me.

I carried my secret as I have since eight.
Its always with me the night of the rape.
Its brought me more misery then words can tell.
He took my body and led me to hell.

To everyone I was just a kid.
My body on sale to the highest bid.
My hair my clothes my mothers car.
Those they saw but not the scars.

The cuts and bruises mark my past.
The pain and hurt under the mask.
The way I feel is always sad.
No one knows not even dad.

The teachers they wonder but dont do a thing.
As I said no one cares what happens to me.
So my first day of school didnt go very well.
But know could see no one could tell.

I guess the stuff so vivid in my mind.
Are stuff that cant be seen from outside.
You got to look deeper if you wont to know.
The rape the bruises they dont show.

Everything is hidden so no one will see.
What happened to the eight year old me

Cherry Bomb Kayla 02 September 2008

yes i found this poem very intersting and i liked the way u used ur words but is this really true?

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Shilesha Johnson 05 September 2008

wow this poem is so deep. i love it. i felt a certain way. as if that was done to me. you have a way of writing something and making people feel it. this is one of the best poems i have ever came across. great job

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Allysyn Bryant 07 September 2008

wow. this is written really well. good job chicka.

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Your only twelve and writing that good? Geeze! You got talent girl! This wont be a hobby for you much longer once some big time person comes and reads this. They will be like 'Huh, this girl has talent...Maybe we should ask her if she wants to make a book with her poems.' =) You got talent, and your not letting it go to waste I can see. =) Keep it up! Peace out, Lexi Baby

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Heather Noble 21 September 2008

jeeze your only 12? ? ? you write really good keep up the good work dont let your poems go to waste you really should look into writing a book Love Always Heather

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Ashley Davis 13 July 2009

This was very well written...i know the pain that you described all too well...great job!

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You are a champion. Your poem will help meny people who have gone through this sad reality. Keep on choosing the mountain.

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Reshma Ramesh 05 November 2008

oh dear this is a sad poem........if this really happened to u...u should go to the police dear.....well penned

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Kathryn Dee 29 October 2008

Kyla, is this for real! ?

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Saint Cynosure 26 October 2008

This is an excellent piece of work...10+

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Silence Dogood

Silence Dogood

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Silence Dogood
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