A Scent Of Coffee Poem by Sandra Fowler

Sandra Fowler

Sandra Fowler

W. Columbia, WV, USA
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Sandra Fowler
W. Columbia, WV, USA
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A Scent Of Coffee

Rating: 3.7

The moon has interlocked the night in glass.
Trees are no more than dark designs on grass.
The mood of music opens like a flower.
A scent of coffee validates the hour.

One wonders how two shadows can embrace.
For after all, time leaves so little space.
Only the smallest whisper of a word,
Makes old friends know emotion has been heard.

The landscape is a poem memorized,
A fey tune only captured by still eyes.
The light diversified by windowpanes
Diminishes, it may not come again.

Muhammad Hesham 14 September 2007

Here lies the mysterious power of poetry—to restore in words, and thus reconstruct, the taste of moments that “may not come again” in reality. Vanishing scents, whispers, and tunes are all brought back in a way that reinstates their immortal presence both in time and in the soul.

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Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 17 September 2007

Sandra....This is virtually flawless verse...it compliments every principle that validates accomplished work.You, young lady, are indeed a superior scribe of the written word, and this poem (I.M.O.) , should be included in the Top 500 Poems List.Rock Solid crafting. FjR

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Cyclopseven R 15 October 2007

what a soul captivating poem.

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John Nightingale 19 December 2007

I love the line 'Trees are no more than dark designs on grass'. Creates wonderful images in my mind. Thanks.

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Meggie Gultiano 12 February 2008

You have it all, Sandra..Wow, this is powerful..flow of words are just so gentle, i love every line, the whole piece, the author.. I am glad i''ve found this. Marvelous is the right word.. Love, meggie

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Pensive Phoenix 27 November 2009

I really enjoyed reading this poem. I came upon the title of the poem expecting something completely different but I certaintly wasn't disappointed. Beautiful imagery, atmosphere and diction.

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Mamta Agarwal 10 June 2009

scent of coffee validates the hour- Sandra you have perfect command over iambic pentameter, and create amazing lyrical poetry with your beautiful imagery. night fall, moon, shadows, reflecting over relationships- you have created an ambience- serene, quiet- just right for reflection. as always a pleasure to read and learn from, the craft of writing a poem. Regards Mamta

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a beautiful poem touched my favorite scent..coffee scent...loved it..10+++

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Ashraful Musaddeq 05 June 2009

Beautiful poem on a scent of coffee. With your magical imageries and affluent imagination, you have transformed it to an excellent piece! Love it with 10+++

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Cindy Kreiner Sera 11 May 2009

A stunning write - the gems you continually pull out shine, no they sparkle with all that is you Sandra - thank you

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Sandra Fowler

Sandra Fowler

W. Columbia, WV, USA
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Sandra Fowler
W. Columbia, WV, USA
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