A Salute To Soldiers Poem by Patricia Grantham

Patricia Grantham

Patricia Grantham

Moncks Corner, South Carolina
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Patricia Grantham
Moncks Corner, South Carolina
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A Salute To Soldiers

Rating: 5.0

Marching on to battle in the land and home of the free
Far away from family and the love ones they long to see
Yearning to be with the ones at a place they love at best
Braving the harsh weather just to pass freedoms test

The seeds of war and unrest had already been sown
Fighting the battles with dangers unaware and unknown
Crouching at attention in a ditch so deep and narrow
Wading through waters so high and sometimes very shallow

Secretly stalking the enemy under the dark cover of night
Forever on the watch with all their strength and might
Treading ever so cautiously over booby trapped mines
Careful not to cross over to the side of the enemy lines

Waiting for the time when the battles will begin to cease
All Hail! to the brave soldiers fighting to keep the peace
The high cost for freedom can never be paid at the most
Many had lost their lives and others stayed on their post

Copyright 2013

Sunday, February 24, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: soldiers
Nasarudheen Parameswaran 25 February 2013

A very fine patriotic song with rhyme and rhyme which also deserves a salute from readers..

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Valerie Dohren 26 February 2013

A wonderful tribute indeed Patricia - we should never forget our brave soldiers.

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Neela Nath Das 28 February 2013

Very striking line- - -Many had given their lives and others stayed on their post

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Valsa George 28 February 2013

A great tribute to our soldiers! ! I invite you to read my poem on the same subject 'A Hymn to the Unsung Heroes'! !

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Joseph Anderson 02 March 2013

As a air force vet of w.w.2 I greatly appreciate this salute to all veterans. I believe they are needful of more respect and you have shown this in a very caring way. I have one-Before The Next Bomb Falls- Please give it a look

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Ken E Hall 10 September 2015

Oh how we ever so thankful for the soldiers at war and so many have given their life to fight the despots of this world...I remember the bombs coming down in our UK town in 1944 as a kid from the biggest despot of all..Adolph..thanks and regards

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 24 December 2014

Many had lost their lives and others stayed on their post.. lovely lne...10 We see the tremendous change The narrows appears on stage The country is forgotten The region is placed before even Let countrymen decide Why our blood should be way laid? Why not you take decisive steps? That shall grant keeps us on top!

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Noreen Carden 14 September 2013

A true picture of the horrors of war we owe them for our freedom great write well done

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Elena Plotkin 26 August 2013

A wonderful tribute to our Freedom Fighters. 10++

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Dipy Hermonite 23 August 2013

Thank you Patricia for asking me to come to this space. I loved this tribute. Keep writing.

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Patricia Grantham

Patricia Grantham

Moncks Corner, South Carolina
follow poet
Patricia Grantham
Moncks Corner, South Carolina
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