A Proper Focus Poem by Bob Gotti

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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Bob Gotti
New Jersey
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A Proper Focus

When we focus on what we see, our mind’s not focused on Eternity,
On those eternal things above, that we receive, through God’s Love.
Things we focus on here below, earthly things, we’ve come to know,
Can fill our heart with undue fear, when we limit our focus down here.

For our focus turns into concern, and a heart inside begins to yearn,
But not prompted by pleasantries, but, the heart filled with anxieties,
About the things we can’t control, while worry begins to take its toll,
With concerns far above our realm, a heart will just be overwhelmed.

Our concerns cannot be all ignored, but, must be given to The Lord,
Who sits above Heavenly realms, and our concerns He overwhelms.
With His Eternal Authority over all, earthly concerns to Him are small,
And in His time, I need to learn, He handles each and every concern.

Concerns, when they overwhelm us, lead us away from simple trust,
The simple faith we place in Him, when Christ saved us from our sin.
Through our trial, God gets Glory, as it was in Israel’s Exodus story,
Even with Pharaoh’s hardened heart, came a Glory that didn’t depart.

Today, our eyes should always be, focused on The Lord of Eternity,
The same one who delivered Israel, will work in our life His good will,
Today take on His yoke that’s light, for what He does, He does right,
To work out His purpose in the life, of all who belong to Jesus Christ.

(Copyright ©01/2008)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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Bob Gotti
New Jersey
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