A Poem On An Idea Poem by Abdul Wahab

Abdul Wahab

Abdul Wahab

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Abdul Wahab
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A Poem On An Idea

On the canvas I just throw an idea
Of a butterfly from my mind and
Let's see keenly which way it goes
Neither left nor right nor a line straight,
The name of the path zigzag it takes;

Which color it wears and on which place
It sits and rests next thing I need to see
Before I do that, a point comes to my mind
Could it cross in this way a river or a sea?

How far it may go and how long I can pull
This is a fair challenge at this dusk I think
Now I hear it to flap its two colourful wings
Wearing many colours but profound is pink.

From where it gets all the colours it adorns
I wish I could know and solve the mystery
But before I ask, it lost under the shadow
As if, it does not want to tell me that for free.

Exactly in that way, I also lose my ink and
Gets lost somewhere that I cannot find
Though I wonder if it has also a pair of wings
And some grey leaves to play in my mind.

A Poem On An Idea
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: idea
Nasarudheen Parameswaran 22 April 2016

A good poem of images and emotion.

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Wahab Abdul 19 April 2016

this is to be edited later..

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Abdul Wahab

Abdul Wahab

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Abdul Wahab
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