A Poem Of Limmericks Poem by Diana Holinski

Diana Holinski

Diana Holinski

Waukeegan, IL
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Diana Holinski
Waukeegan, IL
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A Poem Of Limmericks

I knew a teacher austere
Who had a compassionate ear
I'd spew forth my stuff
All the things I found tough
And he'd help me to combat my fear

I'd hammer him day after day
With things of debatable weigh
But he never lost heart
And he gave me my start
At learning to just have my say

I didn't want class time to end
The teacher'd become a dear friend
We'd sit and we'd talk
At the end, I would balk
And the rules I just wanted to bend

Before long I had to reveal
That my feelings for him were surreal
I can't be his student
It wouldn't be prudent
So strong the emotions I feel

I tried then to tell him goodbye
The effort would cause me to cry
With my misery great
I was cursing my fate
That my lessons had gone so awry

He called to allay his distress
My confession had left him a mess
'I have something to say
That must come out today! '
Curiosity was my duress

Deciding to meet for a drink
'He's going to slay me, ' I think
But he shocked me with news
That his emotional fuse
Had been teetering right on the brink

He also had feelings for me
Information that filled me with glee
And I felt like my world
Had finally unfurled
Myself on the same page as he

Our friendship to this day prevails
Though uneven the tip of the scales
I'm head over heels
He's spinning his wheels
But I'll hold out till gravity fails

I try to be casually cool
Don't want him to think I'm a fool
But it's sometimes a trial
To wait with a smile
While trying to not break his rule

I'm not allowed to inquire
If someday he'll find the desire
To add weight to his scale
And fall under the spell
Of unquenchable passionate fire

It may be that the day never comes
I'll be left here to sit on my thumbs
So I quell my defiance
For this gimpy alliance
Eating figs when I really want plums

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Diana Holinski

Diana Holinski

Waukeegan, IL
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Diana Holinski
Waukeegan, IL
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