A Poem For Siblings... Poem by Catherine Hendry

Catherine Hendry

Catherine Hendry

Knox county
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Catherine Hendry
Knox county
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A Poem For Siblings...

I came into this world with 5 sisters and 3 brothers
I suffered with the loss of two brothers and I was devasted
Then I realized I had lost one of my sisters
AND my only living brother...
Understand, both of them are alive and well
But, I still yearn for them to be a part of my life
It took me a long time to even realize it and once I did
WOW... I can't comprehend why or how,
I honestly do not know what I did to make these two people dislike me
I ask, 'Is it because I grew up with my Mother and NOT with OUR Father? '
'Is it because I didn't graduate college? '
'Is it because I can't measure up to these two financially? '
'Are they embarrassed or ashamed of/by me? '
WHY? What have I done? What do I need to do?
I just want my sister and brother to be a part of my life
That is all, just acknowledge who I am, acknowledge ME as your sister
I can't grasp the answers to these questions...
I can say, I have never asked for anything from either
WAIT! Let me be honest, I DID ask my sister for ANY amount of money
But it was for a medical reason... to help save my life
(1 or 2 hundred dollars so I could get medical attention... I asked only once and didn't receive anything)
Why and HOW does one dislike a sibling so much, that they can't even say 'Merry Christmas'?
Or when I call I am hurried off the phone, making me feel unimportant
How does a person live their entire life disliking their sibling, their SISTER...
I can't answer that question... because I don't know the answer
Am I such a terrible person? Have I stolen something from either of them?
Am I not pretty enough, rich enough, educated enough...
Am I unclaimed because of my medical issues? Because, I didn't cause them
My health is nothing I did to myself, I strive to be well and I work hard at it
I don't want pity, sympathy or ANYTHING...
I just want my FAMILY!

You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family... I will leave it at that...
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Catherine Hendry

Catherine Hendry

Knox county
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Catherine Hendry
Knox county
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