A Poem For My Mother. Poem by Zotena Moses

Zotena Moses

Zotena Moses

Edo State
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Zotena Moses
Edo State
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A Poem For My Mother.

Rating: 5.0

My generation blessed for her sake
Blessed among noble women
Her womb, the womb of glory
The glory of my pride
The pride of my childhood
The childhood of my toddlerhood
The pride of my adulthood
The adulthood of my manhood.

Incomparable, indubitable my Mom's love for me
In reproof she holds me tight in love
In tenderness she teaches me Godliness
Her anger teaches me the part of life
My mom the greatest gift of life
A blossoms Rose in the mountain of beauty.

How can I hate her, when her blood flows in my vein?
And her breath in my nostrils?
How can I be ashamed of her when her love burns in me?
In love she gave me birth
In denier of pleasure
She train me up into a man
With her kneels on the altar she pray me out
My mother's prayers make me shine like the sun
A thousand thanks not enough for my mother.

She's my hope, my aunty, my uncle,
my brother, my sister, my cousin
My nephew, my friend of friends.

The flesh of my flesh
The trait of my existence
Her space no one can occupy
Her voice no one can echo
Her love no one can replace
With my breath, my heart, my all
I love my mother
I love my beautiful friend
I love my play mate
God bless my friend.

Monday, May 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Chinedu Dike 10 February 2017

A heartwarming tribute to a loving mum nicely written in good diction with conviction. Lovely poem insightfully brought forth. Thanks for sharing Adolphus and do remain blessed.

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Zwelethu Siwaphiwe Shweni 21 October 2016

Good dedication to mother. I loved the last stanza, thank you for sharing poet.

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Chinedu Dike 02 June 2016

Beautiful celebration and tribute to a loving mum, well articulated and nicely penned in eloquent poetic diction, from inner recesses of the heart with conviction. A lovely poem written with insight. Thanks for sharing Adolphus. Please read my poem POETIC MASTERPIECE.

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Adolphus Moses 14 June 2016

I appreciate dear poet.

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Chinonso Iroegbu 17 May 2016

Wow! A very beautiful poem to you Mum. I love this poem, thanks for sharing. Chinonso

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Adolphus Moses 14 June 2016

Thanks a million times.

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Zotena Moses

Zotena Moses

Edo State
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Zotena Moses
Edo State
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