A Poem For Andrew Poem by James Hart

James Hart

James Hart

Grappenhall, Cheshire
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James Hart
Grappenhall, Cheshire
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A Poem For Andrew

A poem for Andrew

A poem for Andrew
You’re getting married today
By Archbishop’s license
On 1st September 2007
@St Mary’s Church
In Steeple Bumpstead

You’re getting married today
In tails, with a limousine,
In the sunshine, with a Church full of fans,
@St Mary’s Church
in Steeple Bumpstead

You’re getting married today
To Wallis, a lively American girl
With a Dr Dad and lots of siblings
And a Mum with lots of style.
@St Mary’s Church
in Steeple Bumpstead

A poem for Andrew
The SBD’s favourite
SBD’ Special Brilliant Dude
Married today @St Mary’s Church
in Steeple Bumpstead

The sun shone, a perfect day
For a perfect wedding
The birds sang their festive songs
Today @St Mary’s Church
in Steeple Bumpstead

We nibbled and drank a bit outside
Then went to Cambridge
To eat a lot, to drink a lot, to dance a lot
To celebrate the marriage that took place
@St Mary’s Church
in Steeple Bumpstead

Live on then, live your lives together
With love and joy
And don’t forget others
Above all don’t forget God
Who gave you life and love and
Enabled you to get married
@St Mary’s Church
in Steeple Bumpstead

James Hart

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James Hart

James Hart

Grappenhall, Cheshire
follow poet
James Hart
Grappenhall, Cheshire
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