'' A Place In Poetic Folklore Is Yours To Pursue '' Poem by Bri Mar

Bri Mar

Bri Mar

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Bri Mar
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'' A Place In Poetic Folklore Is Yours To Pursue ''

Rating: 3.0

Our poems are an example of words in full in flow,
The diversity and talent really does show,
By refusing to maintain the status quo,
The content and quality will continue to grow.

Your gender or age needn't have any bearing,
Nor should the clothes you choose to be wearing,
To write a good verse you should always be raring,
Whatever you write it's your soul you'll be baring.

Inspiring all who contribute is my intention,
Everyone who does surely merits a mention,
Every day brings us into another dimension,
As we await your next literary invention.

Our cultures and diversity are second to none,
Every race and creed under the sun
The effort and dedication nobody can shun,
Writing poetry for pleasure can be so much fun,

Putting pen to paper should hold no fears,
Though what you write isn't always what it appears,
There will be times someone's comment besmears,
Use that to encourage you to move up the gears.

Writers block occasionally will enter your domain,
From giving up you must always refrain,
Though you may feel you're being driven insane,
Those words you so seek are hidden inside your brain.

By reading others poems your fire you'll ignite,
Enjoy what you do and like what you write,
You will fill some with anger and others delight,
The written word can and will sometimes incite.

Any subject you can think of is really fair game,
Just try to ensure that you never defame,
On yourself and others you must never bring shame,
If you know you are wrong then accept the blame.

It's time to get writing your next masterpiece,
Your poetic talents you must now release,
Your knowledge of language will slowly increase,
Whether you write about famine or world peace?

Of the subjects available there's an endless supply,
So there are no excuses you can at least try,
Just be careful about what you imply,
The choices are many that no one can deny.

That my fellow BARDS is all down to you,
You all have the talent to add something knew,
The words that you write no one can subdue,

‘' A Place In Poetic Folklore Is Yours To Pursue ‘'

Valerie Dohren 15 March 2013

Very clever write Brian, well put together. Some great sentiments.

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Bri Mar

Bri Mar

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Bri Mar
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